Well-Known Member
I will take any word on paint from you as gospel! Thanks very much!
It really does.Well done sir. Good progress, must feel good to see that baby right side up.
You are an animal. Great work. Keep it up!Was a little to beat to even type this up last night but a step forward over the weekend for sure.
My birthday was earlier in the week and I don't usually give it much thought but for whatever reason my wife went really nuts on it this year. Part of that might just have been the spectacular weather we were having, but then she ordered a bunch of stuff well before the sunny streak started, so I don't know. Anyway boatbuilding went on hold for a couple of days and I played hooky from work to just hang out with the family at the beach.
I monkeyed around with finishing up the transom - the bottom couple of inches will have antifouling on them anyway so I didn't put a ton of effort into getting them perfectly aligned like the rest of it. It also would have meant using up the spare plank, so I just used an offcut from the main part and pieced it together.
Then I just wanted to tune the shape a bit for trueness. It wasn’t far off but you know how floppy they are at this stage and I didn’t want to start glassing anything inside until I was happy with the alignment of the whole thing.
Corner to corner was within about an eighth of an inch, so I’ll take that.
I’ve never really gotten to work wet on wet on this boat because it’s always been too cold, which means I’ve had to heat everything inch by inch to get it to wet out, which means putting on a single piece of tape could take two or three hours. Friday, I prepped up the tape in the hopes that I’d be able to start laying it on wet fillets on Saturday…naturally Saturday got cold again, and I had to go back to heating the tape to get the epoxy to flow. Still, where there’s a will, there’s a way.
This reveals my overkill lamination schedule. I don’t know why I decided to go so heavy on tape, I could probably have cut it in half and been fine. But my last boat we actually had to break ice with the hull so what the hell. Two layers on the chines, three on the keel, two on the transom.
Herewe are, all set to start filleting. This is about 10 AM Saturday.
And this is about 6pm the same day.
That was a long freaking sprint. It wouldn’t have been too bad, except the garage was cold again and I didn’t have firewood set to go because it was summer around here until Friday evening. So just non-stop heat gun work to keep the glue flowing. I didn’t stop long enough to take pictures of anything, really. But you can all imagine it with one piece of tape on the keel, or two, I’m sure.
Anyway all fillets and tape in a day. I was pretty tired but overall happy with the outcome.
Sunday morning I reviewed the work, took some ibuprofen, and got back on the horse. I had to roll out my back with one of those hard foam rollers to get going; I’m not used to working at floor height in a weird awkward crouch on a slope and I definitely paid for Saturday’s take-no-prisoners approach.
So naturally I loaded up with coffee and went back to it. I rolled out the fabric and started mixing 18oz batches around 9am. It was still cold. I had to hit every inch of it with the gun to keep it flowing. It
wasn’t fun. My lats started seizing up around 1pm and I had to support myself with my elbows on my knees for a while and just work close to my body, although I got my wife to bring out muscle relaxants and a couple of shots of rye and that loosened them up. It was cold in there but I was working so hard I was sweating, so I had strip down to just my pants to stay cold enough not to drip sweat in the mix. Which, incredibly, I think I managed to do. I don’t think I got a single drop of sweat in anything. These pics are at 6pm.
So there you have it. Fillets, tape, fabric, wet on wet, two days. Unpleasant but I’m happy with the outcome.
Stripper pole! It's a stripper pole isn't it?! But then we'd all expect to see that from you two now, so maybe that's not it. Hmmmn.I'm doing my best! Although I have to admit this is not much of an update - after last weekend's insanity, I took a couple of days off, and then had to devote a lot of time to household stuff as my wife did last year's taxes for us. And then the weekend was really nice again, so back to family enjoyment time:
That park is just amazing, Transfer Beach in Ladysmith. There's so much stuff for kids to do, and the whole thing is set right on the ocean so you can go down and walk on the beach...really one of the best parks I've ever seen in my life.
About all I got done on the boat was a quick grind of the interior glass so it'll be ready for framing etc:
And then it was laying out the stringers. I forgot that originally I'd had the idea of putting in a ballast tank so I drew the stringers further outboard than normal. But then I decided against the ballast so the stringers can be relocated to a more conventional spot which will make some other stuff easier...but now the curve I drew on the stringers I cut a few months back is wrong, so I'm just templating them straight off the hull. Oh, I also spent a ton of time making sure the hull was actually true. For some reason I got super paranoid about this - I think it was putting in the stringers and not being happy with the fit, and then I just went on a rampage of tuning the cradle and jacking it up here and there and blocking this and that and anyway, that took about five hours before I was satisfied.
Anyway now it's absolutely definitely true and fair and so I'm patterning the stringers straight off the hull.
Using, of course, a deck of cards, as pioneered by Jeff in Vermont.
The dimensional lumber is just some spacing stuff to keep everything upright and in place while I get the stringers dialed in. I am hoping to get the egg crating pretty far along over the next seven days. Then I guess it'll be cleats, bulkheads and hatches for a solid month, probably two. Somewhere in there I'll template the sole and get it temporarily placed while I make some decisions about a strange piece of hardware I don't think anyone will be expecting to see.
I really like your little one's TATOO sleeves...... Just like Mom and DadWork continues and the immediate goal of floating to mark the waterline is starting to feel really close.
Here's a shot of some of the last framing to go in under the deck. I wanted a 2x3 centerline support that would give me a good gluing surface as well as plenty of rigidity for the sole, which is only 3/8" (although it is marine fir which is pretty stiff).
Strap hangers for the 2x3s...
I went inside for lunch on Saturday where I found my mischievous kid only willing to consume peanut butter when not being monitored, for some reason. My wife had to look away for him to eat it. I found it really funny and took this picture.
After lunch, she brought him out to the garage and it was like somehow he grasped what I'd been doing all of a sudden. Recently he's been pointing at pictures of boats in books but I hadn't thought anything of it, I think he just hears me use the word "boat" a lot and he's on our big boat all the time but for whatever reason this day she brought him out to the garage and first he was just kind of shocked looking, but then he got really excited and wanted to get in. Which, since I'd placed the sole, was possible for the very first time. It's hard to express how excited he was, and I doubt he get that I'm building something, exactly...but I swear you could see this sort of light bulb in his head and he was just overjoyed about it. It was really wild.
He's also teething again which is ridicuous. He has everything but the second set of molars, and has since right around when he turned one, which is something like six months ahead of schedule. And now the second molars are coming in, also six months or more early. Absurd.
Anyway the sole is fitted but I still need to put cleats around the outside edges.
Now I'm going to go try to start doing that.
Oh, one more thing, which I mentioned a couple of months back:
Now why would I need that, do you figure, for an outboard-powered boat with a portable gas tank?
Because you and I both know a rad boat like that is crying out for a diesel and a centre console helm, just like a little Chesapeake bay boat. Oh yeah.Work continues and the immediate goal of floating to mark the waterline is starting to feel really close.
Here's a shot of some of the last framing to go in under the deck. I wanted a 2x3 centerline support that would give me a good gluing surface as well as plenty of rigidity for the sole, which is only 3/8" (although it is marine fir which is pretty stiff).
Strap hangers for the 2x3s...
I went inside for lunch on Saturday where I found my mischievous kid only willing to consume peanut butter when not being monitored, for some reason. My wife had to look away for him to eat it. I found it really funny and took this picture.
After lunch, she brought him out to the garage and it was like somehow he grasped what I'd been doing all of a sudden. Recently he's been pointing at pictures of boats in books but I hadn't thought anything of it, I think he just hears me use the word "boat" a lot and he's on our big boat all the time but for whatever reason this day she brought him out to the garage and first he was just kind of shocked looking, but then he got really excited and wanted to get in. Which, since I'd placed the sole, was possible for the very first time. It's hard to express how excited he was, and I doubt he get that I'm building something, exactly...but I swear you could see this sort of light bulb in his head and he was just overjoyed about it. It was really wild.
He's also teething again which is ridicuous. He has everything but the second set of molars, and has since right around when he turned one, which is something like six months ahead of schedule. And now the second molars are coming in, also six months or more early. Absurd.
Anyway the sole is fitted but I still need to put cleats around the outside edges.
Now I'm going to go try to start doing that.
Oh, one more thing, which I mentioned a couple of months back:
Now why would I need that, do you figure, for an outboard-powered boat with a portable gas tank?