SOMASS SOCKEYE BULLETIN # 3 – 2024 Date: June 20, 2024
For more information please contact the DFO office in Port Alberni at 250-720-4440
Somass Sockeye Stock Assessment Update
Pre-season forecast:
Somass (Great Central and Sproat): 500,000 Somass in-season re-forecast: 600,000
Henderson: Outlook 15,000 – 25,000
Escapement to June 18: Stamp: 22,852 Sproat: 9,605 Total: 32,457
Test Fishery: Seine vessel Nita Maria operated June 16 – 17
Abundance estimate: 45,000 outside Ten Mile Point & 25,000 inside
Catch Estimate: ~ 68,730
Somass First Nations – 27,129 Maa-nulth First Nations – 4,163
Area D Gillnet – 30,085 Area B Seine – 0
Recreational – 4,507 Test boat – 2,846
Weekly Fishing Plans (All fishing plans are subject to change):
Fishing plans are developed to minimize disruptions across the various fisheries. Please be respectful of
all groups while participating in the fishery.
First Nations
Tsu-ma-uss (Hupacasath & Tseshaht) – FSC hook & line open 7 days a week. EO gillnets are open 12 pm Sunday
June 23 until 12 pm Wednesday June 26, from Paper Mill Dam (PMD) to Ten Mile Point. The gillnet fishery may
close early depending on escapement and catch. Tseshaht community drag seine open daily from 5 am to 12 pm
Friday June 21 to Sunday June 23 at PMD pool. Hupacasath limited fleet community EO gillnet fishery open daily
from 7 am to 4 pm Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15 from PMD to Ten Mile Point. PMD pool remains closed to
hook & line.
Maa-nulth – Open 7 days a week for hook & line and gillnet fisheries within the Southern Maa-nulth Domestic
Fishing Area (MDFA) (Barkley Sound to Sproat Narrows). In June the harvest plan includes the contracting of
designated Area D Gillnet vessels displaying green Maa-nulth identification flags to harvest Sockeye within the
MDFA, which includes fishing areas normally restricted to commercial gillnet vessels, including Uchucklesit Inlet,
Rainy Bay, San Mateo Bay and Numukamis Bay.
Area D Gillnet – Opening Tuesday June 25 for 10 hours, from 8 am to 6 pm, from the Bamfield Harbour to the
Pocahontas line. This fishery will be extended to open for 14 hours from 6am to 8pm if escapement targets are
met. A fishery notice will be posted on Monday if an extension is granted.
Area B Seine – Opening 10am Sunday June 23 until 10pm Wednesday June 26, with the possibility of extension.
Boundaries from the Pocahontas line to Polly Point with a “seine free zone” closed area near China Creek
(Dunsmuir to Hocking Point).
Tidal opened on May 1. The daily catch limit is four from Alberni Harbour to the A23 surf line (Cape Beale to
Amphitrite Point) and two in the tidal portions of the Somass River. Finfish closure around Uchucklesit Inlet from
Bilton / Coleman Creek to Chup Point / Hissin Point to come into effect June 30. See FN0404: RECREATIONAL
Salmon - Sockeye - Barkley Sound, Alberni Inlet, and the tidal portion of the Somass River - Area 23 - Opening
San Mateo and the entrance to Alberni Inlet going to Sockeye non-retention June 30. See FN0531:
RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Sockeye - San Mateo Bay and the entrance to Alberni Inlet - Subareas 23-3 and 23-4
- Sockeye Non-retention
***Attention recreational boaters: To aid in navigation and avoid collisions with Area D gillnets, gillnet ends not attached
to a vessel will be marked with orange floats; there will also be four larger white or yellow buoy’s spaced equidistantly
along the cork line. Please slow down when transiting near active fishing vessels.***
Freshwater open from May 1 to July 23 in a portion of the Somass River at Somass Park. Catch limit is one Sockeye
per day. See FN0405: RECREATIONAL Salmon - Sockeye - Portion of the Somass River at Somass Park - Region
1 - Opening