2024 Nanoose Bay/French Creek Reports

Went out to get a lingcod this morning and had success! I have never spent anytime searching for them but found a hole! Going to try again tomorrow.
Heard there are coho around, do not know if I will give it a shot or not. See how the day goes
I concur. That ramp was a real eye opener during my one experience there
I launch at French Creek ~30 times a year and have a 6500lb inboard to get on and off the trailer - so it can take me a bit longer. But my equipment is in good shape and I know what I'm doing, don't screw around and I'm conscious of ramp etiquette and I'm friendly toward my fellow boaters. I appreciate people who show some patience and/or offer assistance if it looks like I need it. The way I view other boat launchers is that I accept that there are going to be people with a variety of skill and experience levels, and some of them are going to be ignorant of ramp etiquette and doddle - or do something kooky that holds up the ramp. Like the newbie I watched who forgot to put the safety chain on and had their boat fall completely off the trailer onto the concrete. Everyone is a newbie at some point - one time it was insanely busy and I struggled a bit to get the boat on the trailer straight and when I finally got on I went to get in truck and the doors had somehow gotten locked and so it was running at the bottom of the ramp with the boat on the trailer - I immediately dropped an f-bomb and grabbed the buckle of my boat strap from the box and smacked a window out. Things happen. When things like this happen to someone else I try to stay calm and be helpful rather than huffing and puffing with my arms crossed on my chest as I glare down the ramp at them. I figure that if a person runs into more than one a-hole per day that it's probably them that's the a-hole. I take a deep breath and remind myself that the activity I'm engaged in involves fishing which is something I love to do and I'm privileged to be able to do. I expect it to be busy on weekends and try to time my arrival and departure accordingly. The reality is though that even at the busiest times, from the point I'm ready to drop it in or pull it out I've never had to wait more than a half-hour to be on my way.