2024 Gulf Island Reports

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Fished porlier yesterday from noon to 3ish. Couldn’t find any hatchery coho just afew small wilds. Slack tide the bite really came on for some big springs, the girlfriend had lots of fun with them, super feisty fish. DFO was out checking boats. They were very friendly, beauty day out there just couldn’t find any keepers
Fished Thrasher this afternoon from 230 till 530, landed 1 hatchery spring and a couple solid bites early on, seemed to die off for slack though. No keepers. Got some nice prawns on the way in though.
Fished from 10:30 to 1:30 between Thrasher and the Grande and the action was non-stop an hour either side of the high tide. Spoon on one side and the ghost flash fly on the other; 100’ - 130’ was the zone. Had to wade through a lot of wilds to retain two hatchery coho. The wilds were a pound or two heavier than the hatchery I got to the boat.
Just to add to the debate on rigging hoochies/flashflies I lost at least five fish in a row including a solid spring that took a good run and spit the hook on the turn. This was on the Flashfly rigged with the swivel and one siwash hook method. The hook was sharp but not sticking so I swapped it out for the same flashfly rigged with tandem hooks and started getting them to the boat.
A great first day on the water since MarchIMG_7590.jpeg
Fished from 10:30 to 1:30 between Thrasher and the Grande and the action was non-stop an hour either side of the high tide. Spoon on one side and the ghost flash fly on the other; 100’ - 130’ was the zone. Had to wade through a lot of wilds to retain two hatchery coho. The wilds were a pound or two heavier than the hatchery I got to the boat.
Just to add to the debate on rigging hoochies/flashflies I lost at least five fish in a row including a solid spring that took a good run and spit the hook on the turn. This was on the Flashfly rigged with the swivel and one siwash hook method. The hook was sharp but not sticking so I swapped it out for the same flashfly rigged with tandem hooks and started getting them to the boat.
A great first day on the water since MarchView attachment 107692
Nice work, was definitely better in the afternoon when we got there. Where exactly is The Grande though? Off Enterance?
Oh ok, like outside Commodore Passage?
Yes, if you exit Commodore Passage heading North and turn West along the Gabriola Island coast for about a mile you are at the Grande.
I find I can run into fish anywhere between the flat tops off the East end of Gabriola to Whalebone to the West. I’ll often do this long tack then pop out to Entrance if fishing is slow and weather permits.
Yes, if you exit Commodore Passage heading North and turn West along the Gabriola Island coast for about a mile you are at the Grande.
I find I can run into fish anywhere between the flat tops off the East end of Gabriola to Whalebone to the West. I’ll often do this long tack then pop out to Entrance if fishing is slow and weather permits.
Sweet, thanks. Thrasher is just 15 minutes from our cabin, I'll have to get out there more. Picked up about a 45cm spring (son said it was hatchery but I didn't look) yesterday afternoon on a no bananas spoon while trolling the west side of Decourcy on our way up to visit friends on Mudge. I don't have a lot of time trolling on my own so happy to know I'm doing something right to get fish to the boat this weekend.
Fished Thrasher this afternoon from 230 till 530, landed 1 hatchery spring and a couple solid bites early on, seemed to die off for slack though. No keepers. Got some nice prawns on the way in though.
It definitely slowed down around 1:30
I went out yesterday to Tumbo Island area. It was really active, couple chinook as we were trying to find the hatchery coho in about 100ft .We moved into the deeper water 300ft, and i got a surface bite while letting the gear down so we brought the lines up to 20ft using spoons. And got three hatchery coho in a row.
I went out yesterday to Tumbo Island area. It was really active, couple chinook as we were trying to find the hatchery coho in about 100ft .We moved into the deeper water 300ft, and i got a surface bite while letting the gear down so we brought the lines up to 20ft using spoons. And got three hatchery coho in a row.
Been years since I fished that area is it still the area just out from Cabbage Island were you found the coho or is it more like in Tumbo Channel where you need to fish
I can launch at Cresent Beach Marina I think it’s take a hour to get there from there with calm seas , been wanting to go back and give it a go for a long time
Been years since I fished that area is it still the area just out from Cabbage Island were you found the coho or is it more like in Tumbo Channel where you need to fish
I can launch at Cresent Beach Marina I think it’s take a hour to get there from there with calm seas , been wanting to go back and give it a go for a long time
The channel has worked for us this yr. Sorted through a few big wilds & Chinook last wknd to get a nice little hatch 'ho. Our family cabin is nearby, so we fish the area often. If I were spending the gas money to make the crossing, thrasher & active pass are definitely more productive areas. We'll usually head that way or Moresby/Tent if we've got time. It is a really scenic area tho. Saw a pod of orcas few weeks back
Been years since I fished that area is it still the area just out from Cabbage Island were you found the coho or is it more like in Tumbo Channel where you need to fish
I can launch at Cresent Beach Marina I think it’s take a hour to get there from there with calm seas , been wanting to go back and give it a go for a long time
I fish alone often, and use auto pilot. So I troll really long lines from tumbo channel to Cabbage. So far I've had better luck across Cabbage. As soon as I find a hatchery coho I try to stay close as possible to that area. Activepass area is good but I've noticed it's typically a little more rough then tumbo area.
Thanks for all your help and advice I want to give boat a run and would like to do a day over there and getting a fish or two is a bonus
I went on today. 1000am until 200pm at Tumbo channel and fished towards Active Pass. Constant action, we didn't get any chinook. Because we were fishing 25 to 40 ft at 7km/h in 200-300ft. We got our limits on coho using a spoons. Then we went for shallow water and trolled spoons with a ridiculous amount of scent on them. Got our lingcod. We never jig, just slow troll spoons for lings. It was a good day, tons of fish around and bait everywhere. The coho was delicious.
I went on today. 1000am until 200pm at Tumbo channel and fished towards Active Pass. Constant action, we didn't get any chinook. Because we were fishing 25 to 40 ft at 7km/h in 200-300ft. We got our limits on coho using a spoons. Then we went for shallow water and trolled spoons with a ridiculous amount of scent on them. Got our lingcod. We never jig, just slow troll spoons for lings. It was a good day, tons of fish around and bait everywhere. The coho was delicious.
Fresh early season coho are delicious
I went on today. 1000am until 200pm at Tumbo channel and fished towards Active Pass. Constant action, we didn't get any chinook. Because we were fishing 25 to 40 ft at 7km/h in 200-300ft. We got our limits on coho using a spoons. Then we went for shallow water and trolled spoons with a ridiculous amount of scent on them. Got our lingcod. We never jig, just slow troll spoons for lings. It was a good day, tons of fish around and bait everywhere. The coho was delicious.
You were trolling at 7 km/h? Is that not a bit fast?
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