Went out to Sandheads yesterday.. for a couple hours. Dropped the lines around 6 pm and the large herring rolling at 60 feet on a glow Rhys Davis herring holder got hit in a few minutes. Handed the Rod to my 9 year old Daughter and she got a work out. Runs and jumps... then Landed a 22 pound chinook. The other side had a skinny g at 70 feet and had no love so I switched it to a herring as well. Also stacked a second line with a white hootchie on top.
Trolled around and hooked a few pinks. Landed two pinks.
I was holding out for that last bit and the light and boats were fading. I think i was one of the last few out that i could see their lights on. Then bam the second herring was attacked. The fish went peeled line off and I called for back up from another daughter. Handed the rod off to my oldest. She put the gears to the fish. Since it was going home time I started pulling up all the gear. Then before i had the last rod up the flasher just pops up 30 feet behind the boat. So i drop the rod and head for the net. A small tangle on the net release and in the few seconds... she had it to the boat at the back and unfortunately as she pulled it up it took off and the leader when right through the prop... broke off

I don't need the fish, but man those last minute fish get your heart pumping.
That one was also at 60 feet.
Seems like the afternoon bite has been great! Get out there if you can.