2021 JaxonCraft Build Thread

Setting the record straight.

I think I found and/or posted on either this thread or in another an ad for a JaxonCraft that Thunderbird Marine had sold


The ad said

"This is not your typical aluminum boat. Robert Jackson, the builder, was the lead builder for Daigle Marine (Eagle Craft) for years. It is a commercial grade heavy duty build complete with double box guards, large deck scuppers, and many professional features".

Robert and I were having our regular banter this morning (my wife, an accomplished cook and baker is feeding (pun intended) Robert recipes) for the days he is Chef of the House.

Robert mentioned to me that he had read once again about his alleged employment at Eagle Craft and mentioned that he had never worked there .

He did pop over and borrow a cleat from them once.

For the record, when I saw and posted that ad, I never thought to check for its accuracy with Robert for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, he has always spoken very highly of Mr. Daigle and his boats - so his working there made sense and secondly, I just assumed ( Arse U Me ) that Thunderbird Marine would be accurate in their ads and would have fact checked things.

Of course I should have known better , my apologies to all and as I tell our staff don't believe everything you read on the internet

Setting the record straight.

" as I tell our staff don't believe everything you read on the internet"

Don't believe everything you hear from a boat broker or boat sales person. I remember being told by the largest boat dealer in the South Island that "I don't think they make C-dory's anymore their molds burned up in a fire"

Lovely how it is coming together. Amazing pictures. Enjoy that first ride, I had my deposit down when I did my first ride on my boat and I'm sure your ride will be smoother!
Free from the womb.



Antennas Up

SeaComm recommended we upgrade the antenna.

Anchor /running light is on the port side (Separate power switch from Port/Starboard running lights).

The whole shebang hinges down for travel.

Spotlight has remote control on dash.


It is interesting how her colour changes in the light. Note 6' tall gentleman on roof. She will seem smaller once she is afloat.

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Beautiful vessel Bill, congratulations man.

Cant wait to see pics of her all powered up and on the water.
I asked Robert why he mounts the spot light at he height he does.


By mounting the light that high you can aim it right down along the side of the boat.
Your builder Robert has made another boat that is unmistakable for anything else with those lines, and especially that high shear line. You must be giddy with excitement.
Part one of the survey done today, things went well as expected . My plan is to have a clean survey including insuring that there is nothing on the survey but a series of checkmarks ( for lack of a better term).

This will include addressing (doing) any additional recommendations, that are not part of the survey per se. Insurance companies like better than minimum and so do I.

Hilarity ensued at one point. I kept meaning to ask Robert a question about the horn placement and yesterday I finally got round to asking him,. Of course this was the first thing Mark the Surveyor asked Robert about. i,e, where is the horn?

The Horn button is all wired up, and we (Robert and I) both forgot to discuss the horn placement and horn selection.

Breakers will install the horn in the next week or so. before the final survey

Fresh eyes, that is another value added feature of a having survey.
I have the same set of engines and they have been excellent for me. My boat is a bit heavier than yours and the 3x16x18.5 Suzuki props are perfect for my setup. If I was in your shoes, I would start with those for the break in and then test the next size up afterwards if you find you hit the redline too easily. You aren’t supposed to go wide open for the first hour I think the book says so if you start with the 18.5s it’ll ensure you aren’t over propped to start with which isn’t good for the engines. Sweet boat it really turned out nice.
I have the twin 200 Zukes on my boat and love them. Very quiet and love the ability to control the trolling speed by 50 rpm increments with a simple button.

One tip is to ensure that you get the procedure for turning off the maintenance needed alarm from the dealer and keep it handy. The Suzuki's will send out an alarm at 100 hours (and other maintenance intervals) that you need maintenance. It will continue to repeat the alarm, every 15 seconds in a very loud and annoying manner. And there isn't a simple and logical way to stop the alarm.

I know because I was fishing off of Renfrew, out of cell range when mine went off. Drove me insane. Eventually, I managed to text the dealer and got the sequence which involves turning on and off the boat, pulling the kill switch, all while patting your head and rubbing your belly, etc etc. I now have the sequence printed and a copy inside my glove box to avoid the issue in the future.
I have the twin 200 Zukes on my boat and love them. Very quiet and love the ability to control the trolling speed by 50 rpm increments with a simple button.

One tip is to ensure that you get the procedure for turning off the maintenance needed alarm from the dealer and keep it handy. The Suzuki's will send out an alarm at 100 hours (and other maintenance intervals) that you need maintenance. It will continue to repeat the alarm, every 15 seconds in a very loud and annoying manner. And there isn't a simple and logical way to stop the alarm.

I know because I was fishing off of Renfrew, out of cell range when mine went off. Drove me insane. Eventually, I managed to text the dealer and got the sequence which involves turning on and off the boat, pulling the kill switch, all while patting your head and rubbing your belly, etc etc. I now have the sequence printed and a copy inside my glove box to avoid the issue in the future.
That’s funny and good advice, I have twin Suzukis and my oil change alarm went off the second I got to the head of Rivers inlet and I had no idea how to shut it off. No cell service so I had to Use my inreach to message a friend. No idea why they made it so complicated to reset the alarm.
LOL- I have the 200’s as well, had the same alarm go off while out of service. It’s an easy sequence to shut it off but I did take a pic of it. Awesome motors. I’m at 350 hours on my 2018’s