2018 OFFICIAL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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When fishing out of the North Arm start like this until you find a school...


Once you get on fish do this...


In general the fish are tighter to mouth and higher up at the tail end of the flood. After the high slack go deeper on the gear and water.

I'm not as good as a lot of guys on here, was skunked a few days early in the sock season (I blame a lack of fish). If you can't get into them right now though you're doing it wrong.
4 hours and not a sniff yet. I notice water temp is 5 degrees colder than last week. Not sure what’s up but I sense things are slowing.
Fished this morning from 7:30 - 11:00 between QA and Bell with anchovies. Had 1 wild coho around 8:30. Saw some jumpers in the shallows north of NA but didn't bother with the dummy flasher stuff. A bit lumpy but fishable. Afternoon could be better with the flood, too bad I had to work in the pm. :(

I agree with Pescador. This rain must've sent a lot of fish up river. Definitely slower than what we saw on the weekend. We'll be back to regular Vancouver harbor salmon fishing once the bulk of the sockeye is past Richmond. Time to tie my leaders for the early fall river fishing....
Just received a notice that all the areas outside the Fraser mouths are open to seine boats starting a 6:00 AM tomorrow until further notice.
Late run sockeye run has been pegged at 6 million.

The Fraser River Panel met Tuesday, September 11 to receive an update on the migration of Fraser sockeye and review the status of migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed.
At the meeting today, the Panel increased the Early Summer run-size estimate to 1.8 million with no change to the timing. The Panel also adopted a Late-run run-size estimate of 6.0 million with a 50% marine timing of August 19 in Area 20. The run size remained unchanged for Summer-run.
On September 10, the Fraser River water discharge at Hope was approximately 1,495 cms, which is approximately 35% below average for this date. The temperature of the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on September 10 was 15.6C, which is 0.1C above average for this date. Fraser River water temperatures are forecast to decrease to 14.4C over the next few days.
Area 29: Portions of Subareas 29-3, 4, 6 and 10 (seaward of the 45 meter depth contour): Open to Area B purse seine ITQ from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily Wednesday, September 12, 2018 until further notice (Please refer to DFO Fishery Notice for further details)
Area 18-1, 18-11 and Area 29-1 to 6: Open to Area H troll ITQ fishery from 12:01 a.m. Wednesday September 12, 2018 until further notice (Please refer to DFO Fishery Notice for further details)
Areas 4B,5,6C: Relinquish regulatory control effective 11:59 p.m., Saturday, September 15th, 2018.
Areas 6/6A/7: Relinquish regulatory control effective 11:59 p.m., Saturday, September 15th, 2018
The next in-season meeting of the Panel is scheduled to occur on Friday, September 14, 2018.
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The current estimate for holding Late Run fish is between 1.8
and 5.0 million fish.

with an Area 20 timing of August 19 and a
projected upriver migration date of September 17

Retention of sockeye in marine recreational fisheries began on August 1 and
remains open while the in-river fishery in the lower Fraser River is currently
closed to retention of sockeye.

As a result of the increased run size for Late Run fish combined with the
reduced Management Adjustment, available TAC increased resulting in the
scheduling of additional commercial fisheries for Areas B, D and H. Please
refer to fisheries notices for the individual fisheries for further details.
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Should be good for this weekend then. It'll be a bit tougher to find the schools with these commercial openings. Time to fish with my cured 6" chovies...:cool:
Should be good for this weekend then. It'll be a bit tougher to find the schools with these commercial openings.

My best luck has come when following the commercial trollers in the deep water... maybe cause I’m not sure if I trust my sounder to accurately find schools...
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