So you mean to tell me everything DFO and UBC Fisheries scientists and WDFW et al. Is all fake news? Damn...I haven’t landed a TYEE in Vancouver waters in several years....I wish that were fake news.
So you believe everything DFO is telling you ........ Really?
Yes they run the show, but as you know they are as Political as it gets, thought you were smarter then that. Yes numbers down, yet the Sportfishers the issue. Again Really? Check the roll on your chovie or herring, different rolls attract bigger fish lol. I prefer beef tenderloin over burger, whales Chinook over coho, but when I'm hungry I certainly don't turn down a good meal regardless. Do ya think the closure of so many areas has fattened the Blackfish up...... Not likely. Jeeze, the top officials don't even believe their own scientists in regards to desease, you all in on their decisions, I'm not. Now build numbers by limiting FN kill nets across he rivers, spot closures, slot limits, move fish farms to and based only, start them hatcheries up again, while continuing to help the economy. Smoke n mirrors. Political BS. The Sportfishers to blame. Not the Harrasment chase boats interrupting the Orcas feeding.
The Main body of Sox is staging deeper, those trollers aren't there for no reason. Go deeper fellas if your not finding any. The Trollers were slaying them at 120-140. I don't like to go there with all my flash but got plenty 70 to 99 two days ago.
That said, my best productive main depths has been between 40 to 70 feet ........ And many are finding success there too, if ya find the biting schools shallower...... But as said before lots are staying deeper.
Have fun every one as it dwindles down. We have plenty and are busy canning ....... Hopefully.... We get to fish again this return run in 2022. If DFO doesn't give it all to the FN that is. That appears what's happening in the near future. They will have it all unless 96% of Canada's population speaks up.
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