The remaining of the 200 additional tickets are now in our retail ticket outlets. Island Outfitters, Wise Buys and Alpine Marine have tickets. There are only about 150 left and as most buyers take 2 or 3 it means only 50 to 60 more boats will get in. After this year all 500 ticket holders from this years event will have first right of refusal on those tickets, so very few if any will become available after this year. You will get a derby info sheet with each ticket and it is important that you read it as you must attend one of 3 registration nights in May. There you will get your window stickers, t-shirts, hats, rule/prize booklet and have the chance to enter the jackpots being offered. You can enter winner take all jackpots with $100, $250, $500 and $1,000 buy ins. Our retailers should also ask you for your t-shirt size at time of the ticket purchase. We want everyone to have a t-shirt that fits them.