PRIZE BOARD ADDED: Sat. Mar. 30 2024 Salish Sea Spring Fishing Derby


Active Member
Here is the link to the derby info, rules and online ticket sales:

Saturday March 30th, 2024​

- Cash Prizes For Largest Salmon and Random Draw plus a Nice Halibut prize​

- Derby headquarters and weigh scale at Cheanuh Marina​


- Tickets are available here online or at Cheanuh Marina​

- Trotac Marine – Island Outfitters – or by phone at (778) 967-2363​

Swag draw Tickets are $10.00 each​

Skippers Challenge (Side-Bet) $50 each​

Proceeds support our angling advocacy work and Sooke Chinook Sea Pen Project where we have reared and released over 4,100,000 healthy smolts. We really hope you’ll come on out and join us for this great little derby!

The Salish Sea Spring Fishing Derby is a one-day fun salmon fishing and Halibut fishing derby hosted by South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition. The event will be held on Saturday March 30th, 2024 with fishing times between daybreak and 4:00 p.m. The derby headquarters and sole weigh scale will be located at Cheanuh Marina.

Due to the popularity of this event in 2023 and positive feed back from event participants, the SVIAC Event Team anticipate this 2024 SSSC derby will be larger and the prize pool will be bigger. If true, the Largest Salmon Prize and Random Draw Prize could exceed $3,000 – the more rod tickets sold the greater the prize pool.
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Results ?
Another successful Salish Sea Spring Fishing Derby held by SVIAC, and what great sunshine!
Congratulations to Dave Aylett on his derby winning 13.0 lb salmon, winning the $1260 First Prize for the biggest salmon ... plus another $750 in the Skippers Challenge. And the Largest Halibut was weighed in by Ryan Clements. A detailed list of prize winners and prizes will be published later this weekend.