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Saturday March 25th - 2023 Salish Sea Spring Derby!!!
Cash Prizes For Largest Salmon and Random Draw plus a Special Prize for Largest Halibut!
Derby headquarters and weigh scale at Cheanuh Marina
Fishing Derby Tickets are $60.00 per rod available online - Click here
Tickets also available at:
- Cheanuh Marina
- Trotac Marine
- Island Outfitters
- by phone at (778) 426-4141
Swag draw Tickets are $10.00 each and Skippers Challenge (Side-Bet) Tickets are $50.00 each.
For more information and derby rules - Click hereThis event is a fundraiser for South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition’s Chinook enhancement projects and advocacy work.
The Salish Sea Spring Fishing Derby is a one-day fun salmon and halibut fishing derby hosted by South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition. This year’s event will be held on Saturday March 25th, 2023 with fishing times between 5:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
The derby headquarters and sole weigh scale will be located at Cheanuh Marina. SVIAC’s Event Team anticipate this year’s event will be larger than last year and the cash prize pool will be bigger than our previous spring derbies. Dependent on the number of tickets sold, the Largest Salmon and Random Draw Prizes may exceed $3,000 each.