2013 Vancouver, Howe Sound and Sunshine Coast Fishing Reports Thread.

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Hit thrasher solo yesterday at 7am Lots of shakers early. Got an 18 red ar 1pm and a 10 at 2 to finish the day. Just my second time out this year and both to thrasher. Got skunked last weekend and was starting to feel a little bad. Nice to get the skunk off.
Learned something useful today even though I wasn't fishing-while cycling down the street I stopped to chat with a local fisherman of long time standing and I learned that inshore Smelts are back in a big way-Very Good News for local Salmon.

(Those spoons that Iron Noggin is working on look better & better now!)
Bumpy ride to thrasher this morning, water was better afternoon. Spoons and bait lots of undersized. Nothing in the cooler for the ride home.
that's great news, nice to see, i can remember one winter back in the early 90's at sewell's marina, the anchovies came in so thick it was unbelievable (apparently happens once every 20 yrs or so) we would anchor right off the breakwater mooching and it was dynamite for springs. that may explain why demco had such a good day in the harbor recently. I've never cooked fresh smelts, can you jig them like herring, or is it strictly a net fishery? they should work well in an anchovie special, i've often looked at them in the super market and thought about brining them and trying them. anyone do this?? think Ill try fishing the freighters tomorrow, throw down the crab traps, and take my herring jig along, and a small mesh net. due for a good crab feed at least.

cheers nicnat
Fished Thrasher Saturday from early am
To around three. Using the same lures as everyone ... Irish cream and kitchen sink. All we had was a bunch of undersized chinook and wild coho. Nice to be on the water but no legal fish...is there any rhyme or reason for catching small fish and not big ones or just bad luck?
28lbs This morning at Ironmines just south of Lund. 5 fish in the boat. Green and glow hooch 180 down 320 feet of water. It's been so good the last 2 weeks.
I've never cooked fresh smelts, can you jig them like herring, or is it strictly a net fishery?

I don't see why not as long as they like the looks of your Sabiki -there are a lot of sizes & variations out there.
The guys who get them off the beaches don't have boats that's why they use those nets.

they should work well in an anchovie special.i've often looked at them in the super market and thought about brining them and trying them. anyone do this??

I've looked @ them too but the ones I've seen look on the beat up side and not cheap so I never bothered figuring an artificial would work at least as well.
Fished Thrasher Saturday from early am
To around three. Using the same lures as everyone ... Irish cream and kitchen sink. All we had was a bunch of undersized chinook and wild coho. Nice to be on the water but no legal fish...is there any rhyme or reason for catching small fish and not big ones or just bad luck?

...try the high slacks on this side, some nice sized fish have moved into the harbor now.. I bet it's the same push of fish that were getting nailed off Thrasher/Grande last weekend, today was great lads...
...try the high slacks on this side, some nice sized fish have moved into the harbor now.. I bet it's the same push of fish that were getting nailed off Thrasher/Grande last weekend, today was great lads...

C'mon Nick spill it, I know you stayed local today, I didn't get out at all today but thinking of tomorrow after noon
was going to just stay local cause of the late start and give her a whirl
just what is it your alluding to?
Was out Saturday morning over at thrasher for the first time in the new boat and managed to get the "First Blood"'about a twenty pound marble 2 lings and a nice greenling that assisted one of the catches!
Fished Thrasher Saturday from early am
To around three. Using the same lures as everyone ... Irish cream and kitchen sink. All we had was a bunch of undersized chinook and wild coho. Nice to be on the water but no legal fish...is there any rhyme or reason for catching small fish and not big ones or just bad luck?
When we catch a lot of small or under size fish we try and go down deeper. Last week in P River the bigger fish seemed to be down around the 85 to 120, this last weekend those depths produced all throw backs or just legal. Guys started picking up bigger sized fish down deeper 185 to 220 feet. This is not always the case but worth a try.
That's awesome liquidguides01, thanks for the info I'm gonna try it out this week!! I'll let you know how it goes!
Fished over at Gabriola yesterday with angelina summer. Action was steady but as others reported primarily shakers and just undersized. Managed one 11lb white at 110ft closer to entrance island.

Short leaders off the cannon ball (7-9ft) got all the hits. Longer leaders (10-15ft) got no hits. Best lure by far was a green/white coyote 4".
Hey trendsetter, your obviously not using a flasher? Please let me know if I'm mistaken, always wanted to fish without flashers, should I just attach them to the ball and then 3-8 ft. Up attach my spoon or Chovy 5 ft further back?
Thanks for the input!
This is the marble hopefully this works?


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