2009-Barkley-Bamfield-Poett Nook Fish Reports

Got in last night from a 3 day trip on the bigger boat. Struck out Friday evening. Tonnes of shakers all through Saturday, with only one small keeper spring for dinner. 2 nice coho (13 lbs) and a 13 spring sunday. Everything on black/white and green/white spoons, nothing but pilchard, shakers, and mackerel on the anchovy and hoochies. Needle fish in one stomach, and very small herring in the others. No one was eating the big bait. I tried cut-plugging some pilchard, and using pilchard strip; only produced shakers. All this fishing was on the Swale side.

Going back on Friday to fish the Bamfield side in the tiny boat again. Still gunning for one over 30 in the Blue Balloon.
Great photos. Does Osama take his oilskins and boots off before bed, or leave them on since he's getting up early anyway? Looks like the kind of guy anyone would enjoy fishing with,
Out the last couple of weekends, the Sound is defintely spotty, areas hot or cold depending on the time and day. One spot that I've tried the last two weekends and it has produced quality fish each time is the deep water (200-300ft) off Janit Reef. Not too far of a run if your starting late or don't want to pound out. Funny thing, I'm calling it the white spot since the majority of fish I've caught have been 'white'.
Hi boys, nice fish have been coming out of Beale, Pill and Chup lately, the ones out at Beale have been packed with needlefish and the rest with sardines. Anchovies and big spoons have been hot lately, there's a lot of brown water in Barkley right now because of a plankton bloom but if you can get down below it (40-50ft) the fish are on the gear.

Big tides this week, so the bite has been around the slacks and at dawn, tides getting better though and there should be some pretty good fishing in the upcoming week.

Still lot's of fish offshore on the Big Bank, the flat top has been producing limits of big springs and big coho in short order.

Slow for hali's...painfully slow, I think there's just so much food right now for them they are getting lazy...

Weather is beautiful right now...

Got back last night from 3 days at Poett Nook. Fished the inside and it has slowed down. Even some people where getting skunked. Still there is lots to be caught and lots still coming to the cleaning station, you just have to work for them compared to a month ago. I think the Red tide has made some impact on the fishing. The water looks just like sewage. Strangest thing I have seen.

Day 1 - Fished Mears Bluff amd hooked 4 about 15 lbs spings and released them to the fish gods as was looking for Tyee's. Fished Pill on the nite bite and only a couple shakers

Day 2 - Back to Mears Bluff and this time kept a 15lb spring and a hour later got my Tyee a nice 37LB Spring. Nite bite fished from about a mile in from Beale along the wall past Bamfield wall about a mile and just a few bites, only seen a couple landed by other boats from the 50+ that where trolling there

Day 3 - Back to Mears to find another Tyee - Small shakers and that was it, only fished for 4 hours as was heading back home.

All and all fish are there but had to work for them. Was using White Pearl UV hootchie on one line and Anchovie on Purple Haze UV teaser head on the other line. Was not targeting Coho are sockeye but there were coming into the dock
hopefully fishing improves. Heading to poett nook saturday for 5 days :):). Any updated reports appreciated
Hey ABL,Just start with the gear at 50 ft in 80 ft of water trolling into the tide at Agular point ..good morning and evening floods this weekend,stick with it and you will get-em.Good Anchovie,6ft ,40lb leader,and a standard green Hotspot flasher.Don't have to travel far..maybe Meares or Kirby point if you like
Trolling into the tide? I am not an expert, but I know salmon hold into the current. So wouldn't it make more sense to troll with the tide?

I will be out there again this weekend, in the blue inflatable and camped at Island Fish Camp. I will just be going up and down the wall. It was kind to me the last time. Good luck everyone.
was at the nook from the 22-27 report in one word --- spotty (for us and a fair number of people)

first day we hit a 27 and a couple small shakers down near assits

on the 24th morning, near assits we managed 4 springs ranging from 12-24lbs. all caught around 7am and in 26-57 feet on green teaser heads and one on a white hootchie.

that afternoon, went out 3-4 miles to play around and managed a couple nice 12 pound coho and called it a night.

the next 2 days we got nothing, zero, squat. didnt even get a bite in 10 hours fishing on the 25th! we were at pill, assits, the wall. wrong place, wrong time, wrong everything for us that day?!!?

26th went out, nothing in the morning at beale!! couple strikes, and lost a 25 pounder at the boat that afternoon right along the wall... again, a full day with nothing in the cooler!

so overall, in 5 days we managed 5 springs up to 27 lbs, a few coho, and thats it! saw a few being boated here and there, but nothing consistent! alot of chatter on the radio the last few days was alot of people all over the sound getting nothing at all... a few boats had one or two, and then the usual guys getting 3-4.

like i say, all the chatter seemed to be that it was very inconsistent. have to work for them, or just be on them at the time.

on the positive - our neighbours at the nook were offshore at 5 mile on the 26th and got into a load of coho up to 18 lbs, and a few teenager springs, and a 43 pound spring to top it off!

so there ya go... better luck to you out there!
Just back from Poett Nook , there from the 24th til 27th. Fishing was erratic. There is an algae bloom that prevents you from seeing what is on your line until your flasher is right out of the water.
We managed to get an 18 lb and a 12 lb spring and two coho on the backside of Fleming on Mon.
Tuesday produced two coho and one spring in a couple of hours at south bank ( we lost a dandy ) and Wed we had nothing until around 6 o'clock when we landed a 21 and a 33 around 27 feet at the wall.
The majority of our fish were caught on a green chrome teaser head (the one with black stripes produced best). Unfortunately we did go through a few and could not replace them out there so don't leave home without them.
A buddy was out on a charter and landed lots with a green /blue coyote, but we couldn't find those either.
Good luck.
Back from a couple of days of fishing the Sound. Spotty AGAIN. This year (in the Sound) is starting to remind of last year (or worst). 2 the first day, 1 yesterday (1/2 day of fishing). Tried off Janit Reef again for a couple of hours and had a few decent hook-ups but nothing to the boat..........ran out of time. Not looking good for next week-end. Sounds like off-shore is still producing so this might be the place to start if your heading to Barkley.
Only the guides out of bamfield have the insight[the guys that run offshore to the banks][8D]would have any sort of an idea of future new schools moving in.WHERE IS OBAMA???
Only the guides out of bamfield have the insight[the guys that run offshore to the banks][8D]would have any sort of an idea of future new schools moving in.WHERE IS OBAMA???
Got back from another weekend in Bamfield and put in 1.5 days at the wall. Fished two long shifts on Saturday starting at 6. Landed a 16# coho at 6:30 and didn't touch another fish all day. My mum and her mister had been down on the big boat since Wednesday, and only caught their first fish Saturday afternoon, but it was well over 30, so they were pretty pleased. (They are good fishers too, so their terrible luck has a lot to do with lack of fish rather than lack of knowledge.)

Fished the morning on Sunday and did a little better. had a 20# and a 25# in the boat by 9, and packed it in shortly after. The bigger one (or the novice net man) broke the net, which was kind of fun. These were the only springs I saw come in on Sunday morning. Lots of boats landing smaller coho, but we were fishing inside of the pack. Did hear a few reels screaming, so I am sure some other good fish came in. Things might be coming on again. Too bad it was my last trip of the season.

Out of curiosity, any one from the site seem me out there? I don't know many people on here yet. I was in the small blue inflatable, so once you see me I am pretty much unmistakable.

The fellow with me had only ever caught river pinks before, so needless to say he had a blast cranking in a big one. And i am horse from yelling directions!

BTW everything was shallow, though I had one touch at 100' way out in the middle of the straight. 6" green/white Coyote (best lure ever) and large chovie/army truck head.

The fish, combined with good weather, a full grocery bag of early chanterelles and a smattering of other forest mushrooms, plus a good visit with family made for another great trip. Can hardly wait til next summer!
Fished Friday Afternoon, Saturday, Sunday morning.
Totaled 12 kept fish (a couple a little smaller than usual.
Lots of little guys released, mostly in the early mornings.
Lost a few nice ones, had a new rod on board who lost a few in a row, and I lost one right at the boat as I was staring him in the eye
Biggest spring around 22, biggest coho at 15.
More Coho coming in now. Lots of springs in the 20s at the dock, mostly from inshore where I was staying. But I think the Springs are moving on and the Coho are moving back in. The Pilchards were back, a few big swaths of them in Roquefort bay area (but we didn't have any luck there) and out around Beale (we were only out there about an hour, and no hookups of any size).

Sunday morning had a triple header! Landed 2/3.

Lots of slow time on the water in between bites, but usually 2-3 chances when the bite came on.

Kirby has given up the biggest fish each trip, the wall has produced if you put in the time. But you have to have your gear in the water when the bite comes on.

Saw the small blue inflatable land one (I think) right at the start of the wall way in close to shore on Sunday morning just before our triple which was out further.

Be there again the long weekend, staying at Seabeam, stop by and say hi, and I can show you what's been working (for me). "Drag N Fly", 22ft blue/white Starcraft at the seabeam dock.

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
Anyone remember the red water in Bamfield about 20 years ago? It made this water look like tea. It was so red and thick that you couldn't check your roll. In some places it was like a carpet. Your flasher would come up with a big spring on it except you couldn't see the spring until it was so tired it floated. Or you could guess and make a stab into the red murk. Made things interesting.

And then I believe the next year after that all the sunfish and basking sharks showed up.