Zinc on my pod?

Do you need a transducer bracket too? Brando did my boat, not a pod, but both brackets were exactly as we discussed and perfect. Super happy with how it turned out.
Happy to hear things are going well sounds like the anode is doing it’s job.
Is there an emoji for this? Do you guys not understand how powder coat is a total nightmare and how you cannot have stainless fasteners below the waterline? You cannot have a weld on bracket and end the powder at the bracket. You also cannot disturb that powder on that bracket. You will induce galvanic corrosion and that powder will not last. Once you get that powder bubbling, it keeps going and you can't do anything about it. It will go eventually, especially when you Moore it. Put one stainless bolt through there under the line and I give it 6 months max moored.

Ps, to @DuroBoat

See those little what looks like number 8 tapping screws, or maybe machine screw holding that little buttplug in place? Yup that's not accepted in the boat world. Transport canada not accepted as new buildings procedures. Not even in Canada. That will induce galvanic corrosion so baldy those will snap off and the aluminum will be fully dicked. The only way on a powder coated pod to get as much out of that precious powder as possible is a welded bung FIP before the powder and use a merelon M-NPT plug.
Powder coating does suck no argument there but the galvanic corrosion is isolated to the anode if done properly it’s a less noble metal than the stainless and aluminum its “sacrificial” that’s its whole purpose. Coating will still flake and look like **** in time I would recommend a good sand acid etch and epoxy primer plus top coat over powder coating anyday. Feel like I’ve said my two bits here tho I’m done now.

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Powder coating does suck no argument there but the galvanic corrosion is isolated to the anode if done properly it’s a less noble metal than the stainless and aluminum its “sacrificial” that’s its whole purpose. Coating will still flake and look like **** in time I would recommend a good sand acid etch and epoxy primer plus top coat over powder coating anyday. Feel like I’ve said my two bits here tho I’m done now.

Yeah this thread is hilarious. You guys need to go read up on stainless through aluminum below the waterline. External aluminum bracket, whatever won't fail a survey, however the bolt will weaken the aluminum no matter what. That spot on the powder will go faster then the rest. 100 percent

This is why on the commercial boats we use the aluminum strap zincs and weld them on, or sometimes bolt them. If it's an external bracket then your allowed to bolt them on. Little shinny powder coated pods? You break the powder everytime. Not because of the act of a bolt going through there, (to some extent) however bit because of another dissimilar metals. Stainless and aluminum are not friends. Doesn't matter if there's a zinc along side it. This is why we're not allowed to put stainless thruhulls in aluminum boats. Must be weld in aluminum pipe or merelon. If this thing wasn't powder coated then weld a bracket and done. Noone cares
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You guys do realize what ship happens does for a living right? and not a side guy ... PODS are great IF they are done right .and thing done right before hand.
The build on duros boat has been unfrtuntally been a nightmare from day 1 ask him he will tell you....
When I did my pod i ran out of time to protect the pod and fished for it for 1 season man what a pain had a barnicle bloom on it, so end of season scraped them off then lightly got disc grinder out and got rid of it all.... THEN went thru the acid wash 50/50 then sand then acid wash then sand and finally acid wash then rinse. let dry with heat on it for 24 hours...
(im lucky to have a insulated shop that boat can go into with a wood stove) then the VERY expensise primer that had very specific instructions almost to the point your left ball sack had to be in the perfect postion...then laslty the paint all of which are for alum only.....notice the tab and notice the welded bung which by the way is a alum plug... its only for below water line protection I have seen to many a pod thats all flaked off powder coating and didnt want it as it in my opinion makes no sense to make it purty its a boat and doesnt make you a better fishermen LOL

Update: with all the good (and sometimes contradictory) info posed on this subject, I will admit I could not make a decision! Drill in to the new pod and attach new zincs / ground to my pod bolts / weld on a zinc tab etc..? Well I took the cautious approach and added a couple of zincs on the stainless trim tabs. I don’t have my boat in the water for long periods of time and just didn’t have the courage to drill any holes in the pod. I’ll watch the pod closely for any powder coat bubbles and replace my outboard & trim tab zincs religiously. I was surprised what a pain it was to drill through the stainless tabs! Btw the bottom paint on my trim tabs was the last owner - I would have left them clean and shiny!


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I have my pod bonded by way of a welded stud on the head of one of the through hull mounting bolts… similar to what ship described. I do have a couple of zinc tabs welded in the bottom of the pod for a decent size block of zinc. No electrolysis on mine… i did re- powder-coat it once. Another important step in prep for powder coating is off gassing at 400 F to draw out oils and other contaminants in the aluminum.