WTB something slightly lighter than a commander 30 and with outboards.

You might want to take a closer look at podding if you really like the boat. Your Volvo engines and drives are still worth a lot. I think you can sell a working drive for $10k? with engine maybe $15k each? So now you have $30K to go towards a podding project. I would look for a company that is willing to work with you to create a pod design so they can sell more. Their are lots of older Commanders that would make good candidates and would be very interested if their was a known working solution. I was thinking Bracewell Marine which has already rebuilt an 80's Commander 30 and so would know the boat very well. I think a pod design needs to be properly engineered with CG and such otherwise it may not work well. You know the boat is extremely well built and really don't think there is anything out there like it. You may get outboards but you will be giving up a whole bunch more.
It also might help to just stop hitting logs... :)

Where does this mythical company actually exist? Do tell...
The cost to pod will pay for a lot of repairs to the diesels and outdrives. Not to mention your fuel costs are going to increase every time you take it out. I think you would be lucky to get 1 mpg with outboards - assuming twin 300's / 350's. A boat this heavy would benefit from more hp, twin Yamaha 425's or triple 300's for better fuel economy and performance. And you'll still be susceptible to damage from log strikes.

I can't make the math work where this would be cheaper over the short to medium term and the more you use your boat, the worse the math is.
You literally took the words out of my mouth as I was writing that.
I think we are looking for a unicorn here. A 30’ boat with a 12’ beam that is super fast but also fuel efficient does not exist nor will it ever exist.

I honestly think @Pineapple Express has a good idea with the bayliner cruiser for taking the family out overnighting etc have and a 17-19’ for dropping a line. I know a member on here that has exactly this and it seems like a wicked situation.

$70-90k for a nice cruiser and $30-40k for a fishing boat like a 542. The gas savings you get by fishing out of a smaller boat will pay for the moorage of 2nd boat.
I think we are looking for a unicorn here. A 30’ boat with a 12’ beam that is super fast but also fuel efficient does not exist nor will it ever exist.

I honestly think @Pineapple Express has a good idea with the bayliner cruiser for taking the family out overnighting etc have and a 17-19’ for dropping a line. I know a member on here that has exactly this and it seems like a wicked situation.

$70-90k for a nice cruiser and $30-40k for a fishing boat like a 542. The gas savings you get by fishing out of a smaller boat will pay for the moorage of 2nd boat.
I just can't see it working. Twice the insurance, twice the moorage, twice the maintenance. Plus I'd still want the cruiser to be fish ready for big trips. I'm close to boating utopia here, maybe I just need to make more money so I don't care anymore lol.
The cost to pod will pay for a lot of repairs to the diesels and outdrives. Not to mention your fuel costs are going to increase every time you take it out. I think you would be lucky to get 1 mpg with outboards - assuming twin 300's / 350's. A boat this heavy would benefit from more hp, twin Yamaha 425's or triple 300's for better fuel economy and performance. And you'll still be susceptible to damage from log strikes.

I can't make the math work where this would be cheaper over the short to medium term and the more you use your boat, the worse the math is.
Owning a boat does not add up no matter what boat you have, expensive pass time we have, I know for a fact that if I take all the money I spent on boats over the last 30 years I would own a second house
You literally took the words out of my mouth as I was writing that.
I was sitting here thinking the same thing as CBSquad. Now that you've
hopefully gotten everthing sorted out with drives, I'd leave be. Youll never get the economy of those diesels with outboards. Theyre not that hard to work on. Worth taking a night school course like my neighbor did. Also, Youtube is full of repair videos. Less cooking bacon and more watching for logs would help too! Lol. Kidding aside, youve got a rare beauty there that should last many years to come.
If I felt reasonably comfortable that a shop could deal with the entire project including the sale of the existing motors and drives I'd totally consider it. Just sounds like there's so many horror stories with these conversions. I'd love to get a few more names of guys that would be willing to take it on. Twin 350 duoprops please ;)
Geeze, if it makes you feel any better I'll come out and manage this undertaking for you, you and me, thick or thin, let's do this, we are in this together! :)
I think we are looking for a unicorn here. A 30’ boat with a 12’ beam that is super fast but also fuel efficient does not exist nor will it ever exist.

I honestly think @Pineapple Express has a good idea with the bayliner cruiser for taking the family out overnighting etc have and a 17-19’ for dropping a line. I know a member on here that has exactly this and it seems like a wicked situation.

$70-90k for a nice cruiser and $30-40k for a fishing boat like a 542. The gas savings you get by fishing out of a smaller boat will pay for the moorage of 2nd boat.
I agree about the unicorn part
I get what your saying.... Jon a business opportunity! Pods Are Us!

Here is the 30 Bracewell rebuilt.

Interesting. I don't like it. The couch is so nice to have. Just did a quick weekend prawn trip on the 30 Commander. 4 adults come on you can't get a better boat.
Interesting. I don't like it. The couch is so nice to have. Just did a quick weekend prawn trip on the 30 Commander. 4 adults come on you can't get a better boat.
I agree. That rebuild is mostly stand up shower now. All the wood work has sharp corners too. Mine is all rounded. The couch and bed is really nice. We overnight with 4 all the time and lots of room for everyone.
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Interesting. I don't like it. The couch is so nice to have. Just did a quick weekend prawn trip on the 30 Commander. 4 adults come on you can't get a better boat.
I agree. That rebuild is mostly stand up shower now. All the wood work has sharp corners too. Mine is all rounded. The couch and bed is really nice. We overnight with 4 all the time and lots of room for everyone.
My wife likes the couch so I can sleep there. That way it feels just like home even when we're on vacation!!
I went through the same thing a few years back when my duoprop leg found the continent.
Insurance claim, Volvo prices, blah blah blah.
I'm still not too far out of commercial fishing to think a boat makes you money.
I'm now loyal to the shop that did the swap. Annual love and attention. Compared to the big hit, even with insurance, the annual love sites not seen so bad. The engine and leg have been great ever since.
You're quiting right when you got zero time drivelines.
Everybody looks for logs! and the continent...