winter spring fishing - Victoria, Sooke

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Thinking of heading out for my first winter spring trip of the year tomorrow morning (Sun. 21st) Has anyone been on the waterfront or at Sooke in the last few days? Any fish around? Many thanks.
tried off victoria but west wind made conditions very lumpy
only put in an hour, no action, 4 crab.
tomorrow looks better!
Fishing off the water front today was slow, though the derby went well everyone had a good time and we managed to weigh in afew fish.
Flag pole was good 140 to the bottom , spoons or bait.
12 pounder was the big winner!LOL
ill be out tomarrow off the water front. ill be fishing the harbour mouth. small spoons are your best bet!
Did go to Sooke this am. Fished Church. One small spring. Released. One other strike. 8 boats. Saw one 4 pounder caught. Pretty slow but a nice day on almost flat water.
i got skunked today off the front. fished for 4pm to 5:30pm. i think i was too late. was good fishing weather thou
I was out sunday afternoon at Brochy , very slow , heard tues was very hot .
also heard of a 85 lb but from constance

read on another board that whirl was the ticket sat

Its hit and miss if you pick the right spot its good , if nit its slow

i also heard that whirl bay was good winter spring fishing on the weekend