Winter Harbour

Saltwater Cowboy

Active Member
Hey all this is a post to get off of the track that all the latest posts had been going down. Let's get back to fishing and just leave the meatheads out of it, if they post ignore it.

Sooooo.. My thinking is that a trip in early June and then again in mid August to winter harbour is in the cards this year! I know there are alot of guys who have fished up that way and unfortunately I'm bored with nootka and want to try something new! So I would appreciate any info on this location, at these two different times of year. I assume June is good for smaller springs, early coho and some great halibut and other bottom fish!? Is this correct? How is the weather usually in June and August? What areas are the best to fish for salmon and bottom fish? I'm thinking of trailering up a tent trailer and camping, any good suggestions on locations? How's the water in Quatsino, I know there are big rollers on the outside, but How far out are you going to hit the "Fish Highway" or the 300 foot mark? I have a 21' Grady so I can handle most water and don't mind it to much, obviously I prefer protected areas and perfect calm water but nice pipe dream eh! Any and all info would be appreciated as well as great stories of past ventures and the great fishing that ensued! I appreciate it and I hope to see you all on the water at some point!

Ahh.... It feels good to talk fishing again! Especially in this weather, man what a crappy day!



I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Not to dissuade you from your game plan, but have you ever fished Kyuquot Sound and Fair Harbour area ? Sheltered and good fishing!!!
Bit of a haul out of Zeballos but the fishing is good in mid to late June , you'll love the yellow eye fishing just on the outside of the entrance to the sound(North side).
If you do decide to go to Winter Harbour you should stop in at Port Alice and get some of the locals there to offer info also, larger community of fisherman there to gab with .

Not to dissuade you from your game plan, but have you ever fished Kyuquot Sound and Fair Harbour area ? Sheltered and good fishing!!!
Bit of a haul out of Zeballos but the fishing is good in mid to late June , you'll love the yellow eye fishing just on the outside of the entrance to the sound(North side).
If you do decide to go to Winter Harbour you should stop in at Port Alice and get some of the locals there to offer info also, larger community of fisherman there to gab with .

Hey you guys ....better check your regs
check on RCA's (rockfish conservation areas)CLOSED to Finfish for each specific area and the new proposed!! and your regular day to day and fish species closures. Have a great time and 'tight lines' .
Ps I,ve fished all the areas and the further north, you have to be more careful w/weather and sea conditions... but usually more success.

Hey you guys ....better check your regs
check on RCA's (rockfish conservation areas)CLOSED to Finfish for each specific area and the new proposed!! and your regular day to day and fish species closures. Have a great time and 'tight lines' .
Ps I,ve fished all the areas and the further north, you have to be more careful w/weather and sea conditions... but usually more success.

Ive fished both quite a bit I like Kyuquot the best for if the only thing that you are considering is the fishing. You can usually find shetered water,good variety etc.The drawbacks, the road is at best 2hrs from the highway and you best have a few spares for your trailer, you need to protect your boat for the gravel as well(bra for front)mud flaps and skirts help I use all 3.The last neg. is that the crabbing is the s....The run from fair harbuor to Kyuquot is short.
Winter harbour: great fishing, off shore is closer, crabs o plenty, the drive to Coal Harbour is paved right to the lauch,the run from CH to WH is about 30 miles, if the weather sets in it is tougher finding water to fish. I've been fishing Winter Harbour more lately

Ive fished both quite a bit I like Kyuquot the best for if the only thing that you are considering is the fishing. You can usually find shetered water,good variety etc.The drawbacks, the road is at best 2hrs from the highway and you best have a few spares for your trailer, you need to protect your boat for the gravel as well(bra for front)mud flaps and skirts help I use all 3.The last neg. is that the crabbing is the s....The run from fair harbuor to Kyuquot is short.
Winter harbour: great fishing, off shore is closer, crabs o plenty, the drive to Coal Harbour is paved right to the lauch,the run from CH to WH is about 30 miles, if the weather sets in it is tougher finding water to fish. I've been fishing Winter Harbour more lately

i know from my buddies who runs a lodge and another who charters there that june is excellent fishing, personally ive only ever gone in late july/early august and its been great. offshore around 300 ft is a good plan, just be prepared for weather!!!
i know from my buddies who runs a lodge and another who charters there that june is excellent fishing, personally ive only ever gone in late july/early august and its been great. offshore around 300 ft is a good plan, just be prepared for weather!!!
bump for more info and stories!! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
bump for more info and stories!! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
I have fished there the last week of june for the last 7 years,
Big fish, big waves, and big fun
Last year, full limit of springs 28 to 32 lbs, limit of coho 7 to 10 lbs, limit of halibut 20 to 75 lbs, lots of ye;;ow eye and ling.
I have fished there the last week of june for the last 7 years,
Big fish, big waves, and big fun
Last year, full limit of springs 28 to 32 lbs, limit of coho 7 to 10 lbs, limit of halibut 20 to 75 lbs, lots of ye;;ow eye and ling.
Bumpin.... Please keep the info coming, I appreciate it greatly. Couls use some specific locations etc as I just picked up the chart and want to look it over. Plus it's winter and I love a good fish story especially the size of the fish up there.


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Bumpin.... Please keep the info coming, I appreciate it greatly. Couls use some specific locations etc as I just picked up the chart and want to look it over. Plus it's winter and I love a good fish story especially the size of the fish up there.


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!