Where can A guy catch someTanner Crabs!

my nieghbour has a tanner crab trap.
Think big.
lotsa bait and wide entances ought to get em if they are around
Hmmm... makes me want to try out in the Strait of Georgia....

That is a lot of rope though.
Seems to me I looked up Crab pots on the web some mths back when thinking of this same topic. There is acually some suppliers maybe out of Wash. that make special crab pot door openings for tanner & king crab. Look it up & might give you some ideas on size & design!
Kronic, why are you interested in Tanners? Do you prefer them to Dungee?
I catch tanner's out of croften 180ft down with a nesting trap. As many as they want can climb inside can also get heavy if you leave it to long. How is the prawning up around de courcy island? Looking to try out of there this weekend and will toss the crab trap down there to somewhere