Where are they?

What bc hatchery clips adipose on chinook salmon? None that I am aware of. I think if you hit a clipped spring it is more than likely Columbia bound

We received a report detailing the results of all heads left at the Schooner Cove head depot and I have posted it there. The results included the Cowichan and the Chilliwack if I recall. I'm sure every head depot received a similar report.
Where are they?? HERE . Last night on the evening tide lots of Springs Moved into Esperanza Inlet and Nootka Sound.
The Chinook are in side at Ferrer Pt., Pin Rocks, The Gab in front of Catala Is. & Rosa Harbour. Basically the fish are In the 1over/1uder section In Esperanza & Nootka
In Nootka they spread out between Hois Pt., Coopete, Channel Is., Salter point, Marvines Bay, San Carlos & Camel Rk.
Use your favorite Glow anything or Anchovies to score big. Early morning & late evening tides seem to wort best.
Here they are at Langara island over the weekend. Took us 3.5 hour to catch this haul in the morning.

Well, I have been gone fishing trip 7 times with my friends from June to July. We have got only 3 springs under 10 lbs and lost 2 x about high 20's .
I always keep looking at Sooke, and Victoria report. Everybody said SLOW all the time sometime suck , I don't see anyone say it was good or excellent or hot.. Maybe I miss to read the report ? I went to Ontario for my vacation from Aug 7th to 17th. I talked to my friend Bill at Buy Wise, He said that the bite me derby was really very lowest number for spring only 57 About ticket 360 sold.

Two excellent fishing charters are here ... Wolf and Profisher are very expert salmon fishermen, They could catch more than 2 spring a day and make their clients are happy.. Also other sport salmon fishermen are here , They went very well done! That is very impressive.

Anyway tomorrow I will go to salmon fishing from Otter Point to Sheringham point . I hope I will catch some nice big one!

In my options , Maybe over fishing from the fishing commercials ?

I assumed that the marine biologists or DFO predicted were wrong . I think maybe they said that about 160,000 chinook are return not at 1600000 chinook.

Same as sockeye and coho numbers.

Maybe they are coming here for late or never..
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Huge runs= competition for feed= smaller fish=underdeveloped gonads=leap year returns. I would speculate that next year will be a good year for the XL's as this year clearly isn't.
In my options , Maybe over fishing from the fishing commercials ?

I assumed that the marine biologists or DFO predicted were wrong . I think maybe they said that about 160,000 chinook are return not at 1600000 chinook.

Same as sockeye and coho numbers.

Maybe they are coming here for late or never..

There is a "very" limited commercial fishery. If you honestly think that is an issue you need to do a little more research on commercial fishing particularly in BC.
There not here on the south island in great amount yet... but Renfrew has turned on at beach last 3 to 4 days from guys that go out there all the time. Some of them and there damn good fisherman haven't even got a spring since July. It has been that slow. Since the slowdown here in Sooke Renfrew has been the same not as many waves new fish coming in...I hear bank has been good though....I would say its going to go off in next week down here I think they are late. You still though can't say there is none as I see the odd one trickle in and yes Wolf/Pro getting them each day..... Who is following who LOLOL!

Hang in there its still Aug! No more doom with gloom. Where are they coming down still if you look at Bam and renfrew reports!

I doubt commercials knocked them out.