When does the Sooke-Wind die?

Little Hawk

Active Member

Been out three times in the last week or so and can't believe the wind out there. I'm new to fishing the Pedder/Beechy area.

Are these winds normal for this time of year?
Will they die off or is this par-for-the-course fishin' the Juan de Fuca?

Do you Sooke-boys just tough it out when it's blowin' or do you have a more sheltered area to fish out of the wind?

I know how you feel. Some real die hards will fish in anything. Not me though. Sat was great but took my 7 year old son down on Monday and decided it was a no go due to winds. Just too hard trying to control the boat in that kind of wind. Gets worse if you hook up or get a tangle in kelp. You end up half way to Bellingham. This year seems tougher than usual to get out there but then again I say that every year.
I know how you feel. Some real die hards will fish in anything. Not me though. Sat was great but took my 7 year old son down on Monday and decided it was a no go due to winds. Just too hard trying to control the boat in that kind of wind. Gets worse if you hook up or get a tangle in kelp. You end up half way to Bellingham. This year seems tougher than usual to get out there but then again I say that every year.
When its clear and hot the thermal winds are almost guaranteed by noon,not always but usually. If thats the case start early am aand you can get some fishing time. AND usually but not always,those winds might die down early evening. Then theres the fog. I pray for overcast days,better chances. Hope this helps.
When its clear and hot the thermal winds are almost guaranteed by noon,not always but usually. If thats the case start early am aand you can get some fishing time. AND usually but not always,those winds might die down early evening. Then theres the fog. I pray for overcast days,better chances. Hope this helps.
its the coast. comes with the territory. Same thing, how many times does the weather service forcast "small craft warning" and then it is flat calm.
It was beautifull out there this morning. no wind. no waves. Not alot of boats because everyones limiting out on pinks and then they have to go home.

I find less wind in early am.
i fished sooke the last 10days and 7 of them where super flat, fished from 5am till approx 4-5pm,a bit of wind makes it more fun:)
I find the wind generally blows on weekends and dies the days when I have to go to work ;)
bigwavedave.ca - he's the best forecast you're ever gonna find - plus they got gordon beach(muir reek) webcams to check.

Thanks for jumpin' in. Like it or lump it I guess. Thanks for the link Poppa - very COOL!

Back at her... there's a 50-pounder out there somewhere with MY name on it.

Actually, I'd be happy just to get in the tyee-club for now.
