When do Chum open on the Cowie?

Anyone know when Chum open for retention on the Cowichan river?

Well Poppa, I've caught more than a few in Courtenay that were dime-bright. I don't keep the greenish-black ones.

Tastes are relative. I'm of eastern european hertiage so maybe I'm a minority but I served up Coho and Chum at the same BBQ and the family preferred the Chum.

The difference is that Chum hang out low in the river so mid-season, its hard to weed out the half-deads from the ones I want. Switching to Colorado spoon usually helps attract the fresher ones (and the odd Coho too).

ya I've caught plenty of chum in the Cow from silverish to half dead, but I guess to each their own. That being said I don't know if the Cow is ever open for retention for chum, but the fisheries website should have info.
I've caught chum in the cow I thought were coho. Very bright silver. Actually tailed one years ago and was about to bonk it. Then got a light glimpse of stripes.
Not gonna be much goin on there if the rain doesn't come.
catch but not keep.
I just drove through the estuary of the cow. Lots of guys spearin.
High tide . Couldn't tell if they were gettin any.
my cousin was commercial fishing years ago . at his brother wedding reseption he asked me 2 try this smoked salmon . it was the best i had ever had , then asked him what it was . "chum " unreal but so true and yummy. scottyboy
The Cowichan is way to low.... Like every other river.. I was catching coho in Mid Novemebr and later last year... We need some rain to let the fish get up...
Yeah the damn Natives Spearing...Wish I could atleast be allowed to fish at the mouth just with my rod I would be catching fish too..
yeah thats intense when they do that in the stamp, i was fishing about 300m upriver from where they were netting the fish, dropping rocks and driving boats around to scare the fish into the gill nets and i was fishing with about 15 others and we all packed up and left. they took something like 650 in one hour and most of those are going to be sold by the road for $5 i bet