What's for dinner tonight ?

Lol we love seafood!! Now I just gotta grow some balls to take an octopus home with me one day to cook up. For some reason I have an issue with killing those creatures. Something about the way they look at you and move their heads around and are so smart lol. Yet I love eating them in the restaurants!!
We had chanterelle and pine mushroom soup as the main. Appy was a couple grouse breasts filleted off the bone and cut across the grain dredged in flour then shallow fried in garlic butter, used the carcasses for the stock. Oh and some garlic parm crustini for dipping. It didn't last long enough for a pic, the kid loved it. 90% either harvested today or from the garden, this place is a blessing, we had a fun afternoon picking and murdering.
OH!! SH#T that looks good and I'm having chicken and spinach salad! Go figure-I'm a good guy!
Showed my wife your post she was laughing.

Pork all pulled and man was it juicy 9 hours in the cooker, toasted bun and a big
pickled chilli in mine ,forgot to put the greens on.

I think the slow cooker should go on fishing trips put the meat in ,dinners ready when you get back from fishing ..lol and drive the camp crazy

sum of one must Know a recipe for this freash organ of blacktail deer.Will you share yours?so We may start to have dinner.I have 2Hr till coookin some sort of prezzle frided in oil.
Tubber did just how you said with butter fly and mallet.Yesterday was buzy,DSCF2469.JPG DSCF2470.JPG DSCF2469.JPG DSCF2470.JPG so I marinadeded in flower mont steck spice garlic and olive oil 24hrs.rolled inglut free ceriel ,bread crumbs .boiled till crispy.
Up early to get this brisket flat and Point in the smoker by 6am. My smoker is modified to burn pellets and can't seem to achieve a smoke ring so I am trying a new to me technic by adding some lump charcoal to the burn. Apparently there is a chemical reaction needed that is provided by the charcoal. We shall see!


First attempt at a smoked turkey and smoked bbq beans.

Turkeys a little guy at only 8lbs and just followed a random recipe off the internet for the beans. Using maple logs that a buddy gave me for the smoke.

Will post up another pic or two later.

Just about two hours in. Looks to be a little hotter in there than the thermometers saying so will probably have to wrap it in tinfoil near the end.

Beans are fantastic. Recipe says to cook them down to the consistency I like. Gonna pull them off soon because I don’t want them mushy.
Candy in the masterbuilt burning sugar maple pellets :D

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How do you like the pellets in that track thing? I have a couple of those myself but got the sawdust instead. The trouble is you can only get the sawdust shipped in to a u.s. PO Box so it's kind of a pain in the butt. I've been hesitant about getting into pellets.
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Out of the smoker and wrapped in foil. 1/2hr in the oven at 350 til internal temp 170 cuz wife’s paranoid about bacteria and mmmmm.
It’s juicy and moist and smoky but not overpowering and I’ll definately do it again.
I had smoked then grilled Turkey legs at the strawberry fair in some small town in Florida. Deliciousness! This just reminded me of them :)
How do you like the pellets in that track thing? I have a couple of those myself but got the sawdust instead. The trouble is you can only get the sawdust shipped in to a u.s. PO Box so it's kind of a pain in the butt. I've been hesitant about getting into pellets.

I really like the pellets. Cost is low per smoke too. Easily available, no complaints. I' going to pick up some pecan I think next for beef and ribs.