Yes, Global Warming, Global Cooling and everything in between.
But I do not believe in MAN MADE Global Warming.
This is not about man made co2 warming, this is about money and power.
This is about Governments bullshitting people into believing it is happening.
Go back and look at all the projections made by the scientists, look at how wrong they are. Yet they still are selling the same stuff.
If you do any real looking on this it smells of a huge setup.
Governments would never do this would they? Let's look at what our government does using science to get their way.
Look at the post on fish farms, NO ONE believes our government scientists!!!
They all think they are lying for the government.
Even the ones that think there is man made global warming, LOL. Tells you something.
Need more, the satellite's which measure the Worlds Temperatures show no warming over the last 18 years and 6 months, yet every day the press says it is getting warmer?
Computer,programs saying things will be hotter have now been proven to be full of ****.
See that in the press?
This is all about money and billions of dollars, nothing to,do,with global,warming.
People who have time to look up facts now are sceptics.
Since you have been fishing on the ocean, how much has the ocean risen?
Have you looked at all the cottages and houses on the beaches that have been there for years.
Why are they not under water? Everybody said they would be. Really?
I could go on for ever about all the stupid things they said would happen.
All ********.
Get them to explain how they are so wrong on this attached graph.
They should never be this wrong.
Old black dog
Do you truly believe that climate change is not true?