Visiting Victoria/Ucluelet


New Member
Hey guys. I'll be in Victoria from August 16th-20th and 23rd-25th. I'll also be in Ucluelet from the 20th-23rd. I have a charter booked for the 22nd.

I'd like to get on the water one other day if possible. If anyone has an extra seat in their boat I'd pitch in for gas. I'd be willing to drive up to an hour and a half from Victoria to go fishing. I have allot of great lakes fishing experience and I've been on the ocean salmon and halibut fishing numerous times. If we get along I'd be willing to take you turkey, waterfowl, or pheasant hunting back in the states (I live in western Minnesota). Other possibilities would be walleye, crappie, perch fishing, ice fishing, or fishing on lake superior.