Vancouver Saltchuk

Love that old video...I remember those days as well. Great pics of the old gear as well, still have some mounted on the old
Was gonna post about last week but was laid up for a few days with a little knee surgery...good to see there is some action starting to show. Now if I could only bend the spindles a little bit more...soon I hope ...soon

Reports are a funny thing. Don't mean to be negative, as more often than not I have a "glass is 1/2 full" rather than a "glass is 1/2 empty attitude.
Reports however are obviously better with more detail and a few days. An example of a report that is needing more detail is the fellow who got 9 hits on Sunday...he actually only landed 3, and all were undersize..... One other fellow on Sunday got 5 hits landing two 2 legal and 2 under at Hutt, so not bad . Friday morning early was good at Grace but Sat. morn at Grace wasn't so good.Today the one report I got at waterfall was nada with lots of tommy cod. Bonchovy's report wasn't all that great from yesterday with a couple under and one legal lost at Grace.
......not exactly hot when you get more detail and look at last few days in a row. Some good news though.
quote:Originally posted by Peahead

Reports are a funny thing. Don't mean to be negative, as more often than not I have a "glass is 1/2 full" rather than a "glass is 1/2 empty attitude.
Reports however are obviously better with more detail and a few days. An example of a report that is needing more detail is the fellow who got 9 hits on Sunday...he actually only landed 3, and all were undersize..... One other fellow on Sunday got 5 hits landing two 2 legal and 2 under at Hutt, so not bad . Friday morning early was good at Grace but Sat. morn at Grace wasn't so good.Today the one report I got at waterfall was nada with lots of tommy cod. Bonchovy's report wasn't all that great from yesterday with a couple under and one legal lost at Grace.
......not exactly hot when you get more detail and look at last few days in a row. Some good news though.

Greg, 9 fish is a pretty good number all things considered given the way things have been lately and for the little area he was in. The "one legal" fish BonChovy lost was "well into the teens". While one would call fishing "not exactly hot"--had BC bagged that one and then bagged another---that would have been pretty good fishing given a limited effort, given the number of anglers on the water and the number of lines dangling, I believe that is a really possibility which can be had at this time of year. That's by no means a slag against L. or BC and the fish they had. There's simply not enough boats out there to provide a true indication of how many legal fish there are out there in the Vancouver area.

For example, one day last August you bagged 3 beauties while everyone else managed maybe 1 fish..and your 3 fish were exceptional results given the overall results that day. Similarly, I remember one such day I was out fishing last August when there were 2 fish found that entire morning. Everyone ditched the afternoon fish and it was me out for the afternoon dangle and 3 other boats--. Well...the buddy boat lost one in the high thirties and headed for home as their extended charter was up, the other 2 boats got bored then headed for the shore, and I was left all alone--mid afternoon..with the boatload of us bagging a 28, 29, losing a 25 and another around 28, bagging another 19, a 21 and losing another in the mid twenties, and blowing off another couple we never saw.

Anyways, the gist is, there's fish out there, get out and fish for 'em!

quote:Originally posted by fishin_magician

quote:Originally posted by playnow2

Friday March 19: Caught 3, all throw backs. Midway between Point At. and pink appartments. Down 120 and 80 in 160 of water.

Shakers and undersize don't count! Last keeper I heard of out of the Bay was early March---and there has been PLENTY of effort out there. Bleep!

Fm you forgot to tell the guy writing that report!
Any new reports from this weekend? Looks like I am skiing tomorrow but planning to get out mid-week after this storm passes.
Fished Grace friday , but didn t get a rod in the water until 11am stayed for a couple hours and didn t have a rod move. Didn t mark much for bait , I must admit I 'm new to that area and worked from the island tip in towards the government dock. Fished bait in 180 to 120 feet of water don t know if this is right technique for this zone but seemed pretty dead. Did troll out of tunstall on the way home later that afternoon with much the same result. Today trolled from 2nd marker out past the bell and all the way to QA. Marked some alright bait around the bell and nothing out at QA , tommy cod was the only fish we saw today. Crabbing and Prawning were good but still waiting for a winter spring.
Hi Cohochinook,

The general word is that the plankton bloom has now put things off, probably until south Bowen fishery starts up in a few days. This usually gets going end of first week of April , give or take. I was out last Saturday at Waterfall/3rd marker and Hutt for 3.5 hrs at end of ebb and start of flood and it was very slow with just hake/Tommy cod. Another boat at waterfall/Hutt plus a fellow at Grace and another at Defense reported nothing all morning (and early aft) Not even a hit.
quote:Originally posted by Peahead

Hi Cohochinook,

The general word is that the plankton bloom has now put things off, probably until south Bowen fishery starts up in a few days. This usually gets going end of first week of April , give or take. I was out last Saturday at Waterfall/3rd marker and Hutt for 3.5 hrs at end of ebb and start of flood and it was very slow with just hake/Tommy cod. Another boat at waterfall/Hutt plus a fellow at Grace and another at Defense reported nothing all morning (and early aft) Not even a hit.

Buddy was out earlier today in English Bay. They hit 2 fish. 1 @ 23 inches on a Green Glow and lost another to Mr. Whiskers behind the boat which may have been legal. He saw another boat land one fish but he doesn't know if it was a keeper or not.

Inactive out there right now.
quote:Originally posted by cohochinook

Probably no new reports with all the windy weather, but I thought I would throw it out there?

There are some fishing being the usual April haunts CohoChinook....efforts have been limited because of the rough and windy conditions...and yes I'm being secretive...but you already know!!!

;) ;) ;)
Hey FM, pm me I would like to know as well...... I can keep a secret[:p]
quote:Originally posted by fishin_magician

quote:Originally posted by cohochinook

Probably no new reports with all the windy weather, but I thought I would throw it out there?

There are some fishing being the usual April haunts CohoChinook....efforts have been limited because of the rough and windy conditions...and yes I'm being secretive...but you already know!!!

;) ;) ;)

April ? In Vancouver ? hmmm ...a secret ? lol :D
FM, you just make me chuckle, man... at least you are entertaining anyway. Nice report FM ;)
quote:Originally posted by Peahead

quote:Originally posted by fishin_magician

quote:Originally posted by cohochinook

Probably no new reports with all the windy weather, but I thought I would throw it out there?

There are some fishing being the usual April haunts CohoChinook....efforts have been limited because of the rough and windy conditions...and yes I'm being secretive...but you already know!!!

;) ;) ;)

April ? In Vancouver ? hmmm ...a secret ? lol :D
FM, you just make me chuckle, man... at least you are entertaining anyway. Nice report FM ;)

Where to fish in April is no secret..and you know that Peahead...however, for those so inclined to spend time and effort figuring out where and when like CohoChinook in 3 and 4 boat spots...I figure.... why would I tell everyone to go there on a forum like this!? For those who "read between the lines"..I know he'll be dropping a few lines there.

Anyways Peahead...we'll see you out there...

Anyways....if anyone gives a hoot...since I've been accused of being "secretive"....a quick "search" of past threads tells us exactly where to fish at this time of year...where "X" marks the spot!!!! [}:)]

There are some fishing being the usual April haunts CohoChinook....efforts have been limited because of the rough and windy conditions...and yes I'm being secretive...but you already know!!!

;) ;) ;)

April ? In Vancouver ? hmmm ...a secret ? lol :D
FM, you just make me chuckle, man... at least you are entertaining anyway. Nice report FM ;)


Where to fish in April is no secret..and you know that Peahead...however, for those so inclined to spend time and effort figuring out where and when like CohoChinook in 3 and 4 boat spots...I figure.... why would I tell everyone to go there on a forum like this!? For those who "read between the lines"..I know he'll be dropping a few lines there.

Anyways Peahead...we'll see you out there...

Anyways....if anyone gives a hoot...since I've been accused of being "secretive"....a quick "search" of past threads tells us exactly where to fish at this time of year...where "X" marks the spot!!!! [}:)]


You missed my point.
I truly thought your post was funny. .....sorry but I just chuckle, can't help it. I am VERY HAPPY you TRY to keep certain spots secretive, especially those smaller spots .....but its funny that you admit yourself that none of the April spots are actually secret anymore lol ( and I agree). I love to help people fish and find fish but there is a time and a place to provide that.
I was barking at DK the other day for publishing info on the the good bite at a couple places ????( couple spots up the sound we all know about ;) ) The report was out quickly and got copied to SFBC so I was concerned of crowding. His reply was that everyone who fishes regularily knew about it anyway. Maybe partially true but still could have crowded the spot more.

My point to you FM is what's the point of you posting a report that says you have a secret ? Just communicate to cohochinook or whomever privately if you want to be secretive about a bite. Its not keeping a secret that is the problem as goodness knows we all do that but keep the secret to yourself if you have one and don't plan on sharing it.
Thats free advice that you will be thanking me for someday.

In case you are still wanting more of my opinions :D... I have learned to try to be professional and provide reports only when asked OR if a nice new bite has started ( and reporting it won't crowd a small area ) .... otherwise I really try to keep my mouth shut. I have learned from those who do the same.

A couple of quotes I like:

"Silence is golden until you have something valuable to say"

"If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all"
LOL PeaHead

A couple of quotes I like:

"Silence is golden until you have something valuable to say"

"If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all"



quote:Originally posted by Peahead

There are some fishing being the usual April haunts CohoChinook....efforts have been limited because of the rough and windy conditions...and yes I'm being secretive...but you already know!!!

;) ;) ;)

April ? In Vancouver ? hmmm ...a secret ? lol :D
FM, you just make me chuckle, man... at least you are entertaining anyway. Nice report FM ;)


Where to fish in April is no secret..and you know that Peahead...however, for those so inclined to spend time and effort figuring out where and when like CohoChinook in 3 and 4 boat spots...I figure.... why would I tell everyone to go there on a forum like this!? For those who "read between the lines"..I know he'll be dropping a few lines there.

Anyways Peahead...we'll see you out there...

Anyways....if anyone gives a hoot...since I've been accused of being "secretive"....a quick "search" of past threads tells us exactly where to fish at this time of year...where "X" marks the spot!!!! [}:)]


You missed my point.
I truly thought your post was funny. .....sorry but I just chuckle, can't help it. I am VERY HAPPY you TRY to keep certain spots secretive, especially those smaller spots .....but its funny that you admit yourself that none of the April spots are actually secret anymore lol ( and I agree). I love to help people fish and find fish but there is a time and a place to provide that.
I was barking at DK the other day for publishing info on the the good bite at a couple places ????( couple spots up the sound we all know about ;) ) The report was out quickly and got copied to SFBC so I was concerned of crowding. His reply was that everyone who fishes regularily knew about it anyway. Maybe partially true but still could have crowded the spot more.

My point to you FM is what's the point of you posting a report that says you have a secret ? Just communicate to cohochinook or whomever privately if you want to be secretive about a bite. Its not keeping a secret that is the problem as goodness knows we all do that but keep the secret to yourself if you have one and don't plan on sharing it.
Thats free advice that you will be thanking me for someday.

In case you are still wanting more of my opinions :D... I have learned to try to be professional and provide reports only when asked OR if a nice new bite has started ( and reporting it won't crowd a small area ) .... otherwise I really try to keep my mouth shut. I have learned from those who do the same.

A couple of quotes I like:

"Silence is golden until you have something valuable to say"

"If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all"

Free advice eh? Interesting! ;)
quote:Originally posted by The Fog Ducker

LOL PeaHead

A couple of quotes I like:

"Silence is golden until you have something valuable to say"

"If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all"




Hey Felix, how about if you get out and get fishing in the local saltchuck...haven't seen either of those rigs you own on the local water??? Ever as a matter of fact....?

1. Post where, when, how, and what you caught with ALL the details
2. Keep your mouth shut unless you're willing to blast this on a public forum. that event, by those rules, we'll do just that--when I see you at the fishing spot I'm at. The gist of my post was "get out fishing folks because there are some fish out there in certain areas"--in particular--that heads up was to CohoChinook.

So, in that event, when I see your boat out on the local pond---I'll be radio you and call you on over----or flag you down and say "get your rods in".

Until next time then, the report will always fish here, fuhgeddaboudit. That'll be great for these forums...