Vancouver Island Regulations

  • Thread starter Thread starter J-M
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Greetings to all you B.C fishermen out there! I just moved to Victoria B.C about a week ago and have limited to no experience with fishing regulations on Vancouver Island. I was wondering if their is an online link to a regulations book? Or does anyone know of a tackle shop within the downtown Victoria area or West side of Victoria that would carry a regulations book?

Back home in Ontario, I did alot of floatfishing for steelehad and chinnies. I'm hoping the fishing is as good or even better than back home. I can;t wait to give it a shot! Thanks again everyone.

A new B.C resident,

J-M, are you not aware that you've stumbled into fishing Nirvana here on Vancouver Island? There must be more ways to catch more species here than just about anywhere else on Earth.

What's a "chinnie"?