Uclulet - How is the fishing?

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Hey all.

How is Uculet doing for Springs, are they in tight to the rocks yet or do you still have to hit the banks for them? Also are the Coho showing up yet?

Thanks in advance for the report and see you in a week out there.


Two weeks ago they were lots of fish at the 10ml & 5ml. banks.

Heading over there this Sat. Will post a report when get back next Wed or Thurs. Have heard most still outside....Portland Pt has been good.
Got back on the 13th. Worst year we've ever had up there. Weather was really bad. Rough water most of the time. Blew pretty hard also. Big springs haven't showed up yet for some reason. Biggest landed at Island West was 29lbs. Fished Kirby Point and got a 29 and 23. Bite ended next day. Big bank had lots of small springs in the 10lb range. Some bigger ones came up. Did best at Southwest Corner. Lots of high twenty's. We got a 17, 18 and 20. Water was pretty bad most of the time. Went up to Portland Points and nothing. Fish seem to be everywhere but not of size. Should be in the 30's and 40's by now. Week earlier last year, we were into the 30's easy. Hear it might be August for the biggies this time. By the way, lots of coho's.
Fished Big Bank on Sunday. Lots of springs 12-30 lbs. So many coho that they were a nuisance. After 1 hour switched all lines to 7 inch plugs (500 and 212) and the coho still hit them. Monday fished inside southbank. Loaded with smaller springs (8-15 lbs)and coho.....Also tried inside at Great Bear, Chrome Island...got zip and saw zip for about 20 boats. Came home Monday evening as water was whipped up by gale force winds. Great trip...lots of fish.
7 mile's been producing some quality fish. You gotta SHOP through the smaller ones to get the biggies. There around, just not as many as last year at this time.

Pass the Pack
Reports first hand from 5 and 7 mile: On Fire! Loads of springs up to mid-thirties, and so many coho like the maniac suggested that they're a nusance!

Seems the warm water along the Coast this year has things in something of a turmoil. In most years, Robertson springs landfall well to the NorthWest (Wilf Rocks, Portland...) but this year there's been but a handfull of large from those traditional hot-spots. The fish I saw from 5 and 7 mile looked right like Roberstson's to me (having seen one or two in the past), so it may be that they're staging out there, looking for some cooling to begin the run to fresh.

The Sound, the Wall and everywhere we looked inside was dismally slow (17 hour look for 3 teenyboppers and one large). Hoping they show and soon! Gotta get that new SeaRay out for some FUN!!

Tight Lines!
You're welcome re: the report. Gonna be out & about the Sound a while tomorrow, letcha know what, if anything, we run into.

New Sea Ray enroute, a Sweet 24 footer with all the bells! Itchin' & Twitchin' to get outside with her!!

Tight Lines...
Good job...Sounds like you might have some good fun in the new Ray. I am stoked for getting up there on friday afternoon. Has it been a fog show all day or just the mornings? offshore??? Anxiously awaiting a report on how you do tommorow...
HiYa MadDog!

Here's the report from yest:

A bit of a grind out there yesterday, although a very nice day to be afloat as far as weather went.

Ran to Pill at first light, dropped the gear amongst 20 or so other rigs and fished it through the morning slack. Had two hits that didn't stick, and saw but one coho landed amongst everyone else.

Picked up and ran to the wall. Saw two hooked at the very inside corner of that, hit and landed a sockeye (on an anchove! - Did mark quite a few presumed sox at the Wall, but of course was dreaming of springs, and the sockeye gear was unfortunately resting quietly in the garage as a consequence) and a nice 10+ coho. Hooked a spring over 20, lost just before boatside. Saw the Enforcement Gentz out checking gear and Licences today, great to see their presence!

Ran to Bamfield to refuel, heard news of a 41 pounder coming from Kirby, so ran there quick. Had another good one right to the boat, the fella's first. Unfortunately when it decided to bolt, he tried to hold it back, and we all know how well that works Had one more spring on, too brief, and another coho - nice size but released. Saw three landed at Kirby (amongst about 25-30 boats working it), one of which was a coho, one indeterminate, and one spring of ~ 20-25 lbs.

Still somewhat slow, but more hook-ups than the last time out, and the 41 lber was confirmed. StreamHopper et al working it today and tomorrow, so more info to follow once they return...

Spoke with two older gentz at Poet Nook - limited first light 1/4 to 1/2 mile off Kirby into the channel - only ones who I spoke with that had limited without running outside (several of these latter). Fish were all just under 30 lbs.

Seems to be right onthe edge of taking off on the inside. Hope it does so soon, both for your trip's sake, and our next foray!!

Fog burned off yesterday about 10:00ish, was very workable inside. Dunno about offshore, didn't get there.

Cheers & Tight Lines...
while i was up catching in winter harbour last week, my dad and his friend slayed em at 5 mile, and again over the weekend. limited on springs in the 20's. couple 30's.
Great report Noggin, How did the new ride work for you ? I just got off the phone with a buddy who hit a 40 somewhere off lighthouse bank in the early afternoon, purple haze. He just finished a nice dinner bought by his happy group of clients as a tip. I'm bouncing in my chair here. He said the weather has been great and that the hali are now a bigbank show??? !!!It's good hear that ther's fish pushing in... Thanks again, Maddog
Hey & Hi MadDog,
The new ride is still out of Province, likely headed this way on the weekend. Have to mount downriggers, new electronics and a kicker before she's swimming. Less than a week I hope! By then, the springs will likely be well inside, but She's worth every minute of the wait!!

Heard the same thing on the hali's, been dwindling on the inner banks for a while now, but Big Bank still producing.
