In case folks might not know... Mr. Tim Mills passed away a short time ago.
Tight lines Tim.
He has wrong person I believe
I like the show, and like the guys that host the show. I like their stoke while on the water. I like the boats they fish out of. I like that they are closer to regular joe fisherman than top notch guides. Sure, they maybe back off the drag a little much to let the reels spin and zoom in on the reel, but you all have to realize their top sponsor is Islander.
For all the complainers, change the channel.
Kind of presumptuous to believe that just because someone says a show isn't good, it must be because they are jealous. Not jealous at all, I probably fish just as much as them if not more. "Groovy fish dudeeeee" is a bit much.
Alright alright, you've all twisted my arm. I will invite Mariko onto the Reef Raider for this years shootout...Might just have to overnight this time...
P.S. Don't tell my wife
Dpoes this mean I'm out????