Tuna Handling

SFAB - Tuna Catch Handling Guidelines

As Tuna tend to be warmer in temperature than the water they came from, they require special care and consideration when it comes to handling. Different procedures need to be deployed than those utilized for Salmon, Halibut and other ground fish species.

Tuna tend to contain higher amounts of “histidine” in their flesh. Histidine is a type of amino acid that is converted into “Histamine” by bacterial enzymes once the fish is deceased. The rate of this conversion is increased by temperature, so it is important that all tuna are handled properly to avoid spoilage.

The consumption of fish containing high levels of histamine can result in “scombroid poisoning”. Scombroid or Histamine poisoning often resembles an allergic reaction, and most victims recover within 24 hrs. On rare occurrence’s, scombroid poisoning has resulted in death.

The best way to reduce the risk of scombroid poisoning is to chill the tuna quickly after being caught!

Try following the “C.I.F.P” process many of the top Canadian Tuna Anglers use:


After bleeding, chill fish in slush ice, (a mixture of two parts ice and one part seawater) before icing. Do not allow catch to lay on deck. Tuna will chill much quicker in a slurry of ice and water than on just ice by itself. This is because heat transfer from the fish occurs faster in a liquid than just ice. Remember to add ice periodically as it melts. This will also help you get the most out of your supply of ice.


Remember to take enough ice to preserve your catch. Once the Tuna has reached a core temperature of 10 degrees Celsius (use a meat thermometer) or less, pack in flake ice for no more than 5 days prior to processing. Fish should be held at 4 degrees Celsius or less. Fish should be iced in single layers with ice between each layer. Add ice to the top of the cooler or hold (cap icing).


If you are unable to process your catch immediately, freeze your catch as soon as possible.


Now that you have caught, chilled and cared for your Tuna, the next step is to properly package your catch for long term preservation.

Anglers can either fillet their catch into loins and vacuum seal and freeze themselves, or have it processed (canned or other) by a licenced processing facility. If you choose to can the fish yourself, it is advisable to check the CFIA and USFDA websites for proper practices and techniques.

Always keep fish cold until you process the catch yourself or deliver to a processing facility. Remember to check with the processing facility for their specific guidelines, as many companies have their own specific policies which may vary from different service providers.

As per SFAB
SFAB Off Shore Safety Guidelines for Recreational Tuna Fishers

Foreword - As with all fisheries, safety should always be the number one priority for every angler! Considering the distances that recreational anglers travel offshore in pursuit of Tuna, special attention should be paid to the following:


· Monitor the “Current” weather conditions and “forecast” prior to leaving shore, and when you are at sea. Websites such as Environment Canada ( https://weather.gc.ca ) , Unisys (http://weather.unisys.com ) and Windyty ( https://www.windyty.com ) can provide some insight, but remember the accuracy of the information can vary. When on the grounds, the weather channel on your VHF radio can provide forecast and current condition data.

· If the conditions deteriorate, have an exit plan agreed upon with your partner boats.


· Know your vessel’s safe weight capability; do not exceed that when loading gear, passengers and ice

· Stability – While different vessels can have varying weight capacities, it is important to know what the safe limits of your craft are. To determine what the capacity of your vessel is, it is a good idea to complete a stability test. This can be done by a naval architect, or by using the Transport Canada “Simplified Assessment of Intact Stability & Buoyancy of Small Non-pleasure Vessels”. For more information on vessel stability and conducting the assessment, consult the following Transport Canada website: https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-vessel-stability-menu-1193.htm

· Safely secure all items, particularly coolers to prevent load shifting

· Be aware of “Free Surface Effect” and its effect on stability

· Store items as low as possible to lower center of gravity

· For more detailed information on Marine Safety, check out https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/menu.htm


· Monitor Channel 72 and 16; a second back up radio is a good idea

· Carry 2 VHF radios with DSC capabilities / keep a waterproof VHF radio in your ditching bag

· Contact other fishing vessels on channel 72 to notify them you are entering a fishing area – this helps increase everyone’s situational awareness
Collision Avoidance:

· Increase visibility by utilizing flags on masts and radar reflectors

· Radar with proximity alarms and AIS is recommended

· Maintain multiple sources of navigation such as, compass, GPS chart plotter, tablet or phone

· Always keep an active wheel watch at all times – assign one driver

· Allow at least half mile distance between vessels

· Never cross in front of another vessel that is fishing

Safety / Emergency Preparedness-In addition to the standard required equipment, the following is recommended:

· File a detailed sail plan with a responsible shore party prior to departure, and ensure you have an agreed upon check in time and plan for notifying search authorities if overdue

· Boats should travel together in groups of 2 or more and stay in constant contact using the buddy system for mutual safety and rescue

· Carry and wear PFD’s. Survival suits are advisable.

· Prepare a ditching bag that holds an EPIRB flare signal kit and extra flares, first aid kit, water, water proof flashlight

· Conduct a pre-departure safety briefing to demonstrate all safety equipment, communication, EPIRB operation. Ensure everyone knows how to safely navigate the vessel

· Life ring, with throw rope

· Tow rope, bridle and drone

· Carry at least 2 ABC rated fire extinguishers

· To learn more about Marine Safety, check out Transport Canada’s Marine Safety website (http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/menu.htm )

Fuel Management:

· Determine the distance you will cover prior to departure and ensure you carry enough fuel – calculate by fuel burn, anticipated speed over the distance travelled, plan for 1/3 fuel load for trip out plus fishing, 1/3 for return trip and 1/3 for reserve. Carry spare water separating fuel filters.


· Maintenance – Using a checklist, ensure that all systems on your vessel are in good operating condition prior to departure. Carry spare parts and be prepared for mechanical breakdowns.

· Having more than one source of propulsion is advisable.
After following this season and participating in the tuna fishery.. i can say this was a exceptional season.. regarding the availability of tuna, how close the tuna were & the many no wind day events that we all got to enjoy... its been at least 3 season since we got enjoy this bounty ..so I just want to remind everyone that we need to always be careful and mindful of what we can and can not do... As boater we need to make sure our boats are properly equipped for this special off shore fishery.... making sure we have the fuel capacity required for this fishery, all the safety equipment & do we have the ice capability for the fish ? once you hit what your boat can ice for fish for the day...call it :)
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