Well-Known Member
Any advice on trolling a shallow line off the back centre of the boat? I've occasionally run a bucktail on the surface a hundred feet (with not much success) back but am wondering if and what others do?
Hey BB,
It really depends on when and where you might want to run a surface line with keel or slip weight and how far back you want to set your gear. You don't want to try this in crowded location with line way out the stern. For example at the Cap river mouth in Vancouver in fall. You will not make freinds with the other boats, thats for sure and you won't have your gear for very long ! (Believe me I have seen this going on with 70 boats in a small area)
In Vancouver its not usually a very effective option most of the time plus in our area there is often way too much floatsom which slides down the line or attaches directly to your terminal gear. A downrigger realease clip can act as a "stopper" for most of the seaweed sliding down your cable and mono and usually collects on the clip. I also use a retriever for my cable that when lowered to surface can collect seaweed and be cleaned right away. In some areas on the inside I have had great success with a shallow long line but again depends where you are and what time of year. On WCVI it can be hot and tons of fun!
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