Well-Known Member
I know this is an odd statement on a fishing forum, but my wife and I are going up to Tofino for a weekend of fun and relaxation with friends visiting from Ontario, without our kids, and the original plan was to go without the boat as well. We've got plans for some hiking and kayaking, but the possibility of fishing there is weighing on our minds as well (or the fear of going there and NOT fishing is weighing on us...). We've never fished up there, only down here around Victoria/Sooke, and although we've only been doing it for 3 seasons, we're definitely addicted. I don't really want to bring the boat up there for what would probably be only a few hours of fishing over the weekend. I would love the opportunity to check it out/give it a shot. Won't be able to pay the full price of a charter, but would consider going out with someone if a great deal or opportunity presented itself. Would be willing to head to Ukee too. Will be there mid-Friday through Sunday. May be just us two, but I may also be able to convince one or two friends to join us given the opportunity. I'd welcome any such opportunities/suggestions from forum members, and would be happy to do an exchange for a trip down here on the southern coast one day. Send me a PM! Cheers!
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