The "problem" with posting pics like that is that is very much the exception rather than the rule and, by posting pictures like that, one has the distinct problem of fullfilling those expectations. My charter on Sunday afternoon - another well known businessman from Nanaimo - was waiting for his charter and saw all the fish being offloaded - exactly what I did NOT wish to occur. the afternoon we caught 2 'decent' springs in the high 20's along with 4 nice coho. Was the client happy with his fish? If he had not seen the bananza from the morning he probably would have but having witnessed 'what might have been' he was feeling a bit short changed.
The same goes for posting pictures of "HOGS" on one's web site: guests expect that as the "Norm" and are very much feeling short changed if that does not occur. Since I do MOST of my guiding on the east side of the island where days of fishing like that are practically non-existant, I actually do myself an injustice by posting such so I stick to posting pictures that guests might encounter on a routine charter rather than trips of a lifetime.
As for having necks turned it did occur even to the extent the local guides were feeling a bit 'under the gun' as their guests pointed out what that was what they expected on their trip. Was that my intention? Not in the least however they needed to be offloaded and they needed to be transferred to the clients coolers. And if you had seen that procession down the dock you too would have done a double-take. I was thrilled for my guests as they received the attention for their fishing efforts by the guests on the dock and the pub. That simply added to their experience and, at the risk of stating the obvious, they are meeting this week to plan another trip this fall along with several next year. Job well done.

As I had another charter to head out on I did not stay long (after all it was their time in the spotlight) but I did hear at least several visiting fisherman (who had done double takes on the procession) asking the obvious: where? how deep? how fast?
This was not my first trip to Ucluelet as over the past 25 years I have fished there on many occasions including 7 multiple day trips this summer. In fact I did have another great day earlier this year where a very good guide friend of mine (one of the top guides in Ucluelet) went the entire day without boating a fish while our vessel limited out. The owner of his boat (a good friend of mine) and I went out the next day and limited out on springs/coho to provide the guest for their return home. So...while it was a trip of a lifetime - through a combination of luck and skill - I have had enough experience in the area to know my way around both inshore and offshore and suggest it was not all luck.
To suggest that this my post is simply a 'story' or that I was simply 'lucky' of a 'weekend warrior' fails to recognize the extent of my fishing those waters or the signifcance of 'being in the right place at the right time'. I could go into detail why we were fishing where we were (these guests had fished with me Saturday and, while we did catch limits they were not even close to those on their Sunday fish) but that is not the issue. The issue is we had a Trip of a LIFETIME and you need to see proof. Glad I didn't mention is was windy too!
As for 'cropping' faces or details one can only wonder where you are coming from. Either guests provide permission or they don't - there is NO middle ground. To go against their wishes shows a decided lack of professionalism (along with some legal questions that I will avoid) and would be very determental to one's ability to grow a business. I ask for permission and if they provide it I post pictures and if they don't the pictures remain private. End of story. And if I have to explain that then you have more problems than doubt.
As for showing up other guides - every guide strives to do his or her best and they will have good days and less than good days. That also is the nature of the business. A strange point of this posting is that one of the top guides in Ucluelet stopped in the fog to watch us land a 33 lbs then proceeded further out where he landed three average fish. We chatted this morning about the encounter and he stated that he felt further out would have been more successful...he made his choice...and he did put his clients into fish simply not to the same size or number as we were able to boat.
I will be seeing my client on Wednesday as he is a very successful building contractor in Nanaimo who is putting up a new garage along with a new cleaning station at my home. I will ask for his permission to post pictures of his fish along with those of his family, staff and friend. If he provides that permission I will post the pictures and, if he doesn't (he is a member of this Forum), I will ask if he would comment on the trip in this Forum. That is the best I can do and if lack of posting means you 'think it's a story' then there is nothing I can do (or am interested in doing) to convince you otherwise as my energy is better suited to catching fish.
However I will ensure that I no longer post any results unless I have pictures (and the permission to post) as it obviously is an issue with some members. Good to know.