Tips for flounder fishing?

There are a lot of streams running into the Barnet Beach area. I used to fish there a lot in the late ‘60’s🤣. Anyhow, we fished at around where the Barnet Beach Marine Park is now. There used to be a place called “The Inlet View Motel “. We would cut through the property and make our way down to a floating dock and fish from there. In the mornings there were fish jumping when it was flat calm. We caught hundreds of flounder and bullhead.
Huh a floating dock, I should take a look at old maps to see which rough area.

Tbf there are some huge fish there and once in a blue moon ( a VERY blue moon) you can catch one. I actually caught a Chinook last year around October when I wash trying to fish for flounder
Bait hook with squid piece. Ez pz
What do you do with sand dabs may I ask? Eat them or use them for ling cod bait perhaps?
"Sand dabs are hailed as a California culinary treasure"

In my research I found out that sand dabs are highly regarded in some areas so I took the kids out and caught a mess of them and was not disappointed. They are a bit of fuss and muss and I cook them bone in but they are very tasty.
"Sand dabs are hailed as a California culinary treasure"

In my research I found out that sand dabs are highly regarded in some areas so I took the kids out and caught a mess of them and was not disappointed. They are a bit of fuss and muss and I cook them bone in but they are very tasty.
Thanks. I didn’t realize that 👍
Theres two types of dabs here, the plain old Sand dab that gets to edible sizes, and the palm sized " speckled " sand dab.

Both get inhaled by lingcod
"Sand dabs are hailed as a California culinary treasure"

In my research I found out that sand dabs are highly regarded in some areas so I took the kids out and caught a mess of them and was not disappointed. They are a bit of fuss and muss and I cook them bone in but they are very tasty.
Agreed, I cooked one once and it was nice
What do you do with sand dabs may I ask? Eat them or use them for ling cod bait perhaps?
My mother-in-law loves sand dab fishing and kids like it too. We use small hooks or sibiki rigs with a bit of 1/2 pea/corn-sized bait (fish/or any meant what have you)

This video from outdoor chef life shows how to cook them (mid video) and we have done it this way. My family will do a sand dab day once in a while and catch about 10 or (depending on size) and always enjoy them.
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