Tips for flounder fishing?


New Member
Hi lads,

I recently joined this forum for advice regarding flounder fishing.

I love catching those little buggers, but they always seem elusive and catching one larger one is already a good day for me. Especially this month has been bloody awful for me as I only caught the kiddies with no parents in sight. So I am wondering if there are any tips?
Hi lads,

I recently joined this forum for advice regarding flounder fishing.

I love catching those little buggers, but they always seem elusive and catching one larger one is already a good day for me. Especially this month has been bloody awful for me as I only caught the kiddies with no parents in sight. So I am wondering if there are any tips?
Look for a sandy bottom.

What area are you fishing in?
From shore ? You will get a lot of small ones if that is the case, however try jigging a small lure in 30-70 ft of water if you have a boat. The bigger ones can be found on a Sand /mud bottom . Bait is optional ...but thinking back many years ago--- seaworms, mussels , a thin strip off a bullhead all work. And dont hesitate to move if you dont get anything . ( one other thing you might want to consider---- large starry flounders can get strong tasting .... )
My one buddy does well with a small hook , with bait, below a buzz bomb about a foot. As stated candy or gravel bottom, 60 to 100 feet or more. Try deeper/ move if getting small fish.
My one buddy does well with a small hook , with bait, below a buzz bomb about a foot. As stated candy or gravel bottom, 60 to 100 feet or more. Try deeper/ move if getting small fish.
I don’t have a boat so casting from shore is the only option. But moving around is definitely a good idea
Barnet Marine Park, size 2 octopus hook. Chicken rig and 1 1/4 oz pencil weight.
Grew up in the area and Barnett is a bit of a wasteland. i spent many days sun up - sun down at Belcarra wharf fishing for whatever i could catch. Summer is always going to be a better bet off the more shallow piers , but if you venture to Belcarra, fish off the left side of the dock. We used to fish from the Upper gangway and cast out to the left, its sand/eelgrass on that side. Dew worm on a 2 foot leader with a long shank bait hook, swivel to a half ounce or 3/4 ounce sliding weight is all you need. have caught all sorts of fish doing that there, all varieties of flounder( English sole , starrys, sand dab , rock sole ) /greenling ( painted and whitespotted) / herring/big searun cutthroat / pricklebacks/ big staghorn sculpins. Brings me back just talking about it!
Flat fish are surprisingly aggressive. From shore I would try a trout spinner or spoon slowly retrieved near the bottom on a low gradient beach.
From shore these will help you learn how to read the water. They’re geared more toward surf perch but still works for flat fish. These are awful dry, but they will help someone new. Warning, you can feel your brains dripping out your nose by the time you watch them all.

I think this is the right order in the series. Talks about fish holding and behavior in the areas you are looking for. More geared toward surf perch but also works well and is good info for flat fish too

This guy even though being an east coaster has a lot of flounder info in his videos. Flounder are flounder no matter where you find them.
