Time for dads boat

HI Treb don't worry about about buying a new boat you have tons of options when looking at a used boat, make a list of what you want and take some time don't be in a rush.
Get on as many boats as you can to see how they would work if it was yours or what would you change.
If you stay under 150 hp you will be fairly good on fuel, hull weight, size is the factor 17- 20 foot is about right for economy.

You don't need a big boat to fish well, a well setup small boat is deadly . You need a bigger boat to travel longer distances, so trailer a smaller boat and fish the same spots.

Being able to use a boat ramp makes welded aluminum a good choice, but it's more expensive, offset with less horsepower required.
Fiberglass is usually cheaper more choices , heavier often rides better, can be manageable at the ramp, I launch a glass 24 foot alone, but beaching is tougher, more power required.
A Roof , Canopy , number of seats , launching yourself , how far do you typically want to travel, where you want to use it make will help narrow the choices.
Buying a bare boat and rigging it up is costly but you can often get more modern equipment if you look for deals and then pick what you want , lot's of good used stuff here..

I too bought a boat last year after waiting 20 years We drove to the east coast to pick it up , I get the Kids thing I have 3 in University at the same time .
So get out and enjoy the coast while you have your health without that nothing else really matters
Thank you Mike. I will take my time but I would rather it be in Canada but so many good deals in the states. If the price is right even with exchange, taxes, and transportation cost it might be worth it with the addition to all the extra toys that are included.. I have learned allot by communicating with the border. When I ask one prospect for serial numbers and vin numbers his response that the boat wasn't for me DUH ...The search goes on and thanks everybody for the help
I bought my truck in the states and was also dealing on a boat deal that feel through.
You need to check the import list to find out if the unit is admissible, serial number needs to be 17 digits ,have the clear title sent to the border 72 hrs. prior to going through.
They usually want a recall letter done as well , so do some home work first .
Import fee, taxes, possible duty but if you get the info it's easy, tons of choices.
I had no issues with my truck.
Done...Guess what gets delivered today
Now we all know the story about what comes first the chicken or the egg. This deal was so good I could not pass up fully loaded, turnkey. Then I had to get a operators license. I have no truck so I guess I will have to by one. Thank goodness all my friend who loves fishing have one and in exchange for going out, they just have to launch it for me. What a deal ......


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Done...Guess what gets delivered today
Now we all know the story about what comes first the chicken or the egg. This deal was so good I could not pass up fully loaded, turnkey. Then I had to get a operators license. I have no truck so I guess I will have to by one. Thank goodness all my friend who loves fishing have one and in exchange for going out, they just have to launch it for me. What a deal ......
Looks perfect Treblig !
Nice looking boat,, looks like she’s set up to fish.

Very nice boat! I’m sure you will have years of fun with it.
If you are looking for a good towing vehicle at a reasonable price, I have a 2003 Ford Expedition for sale. I’ve recently spent about $5000 on it and am selling it for $4999. New tires, brakes, trans serviced, fuel pump, plugs and coils, etc. Towing capacity 9000#’s.