Help me set this boat up for success

Help me figure out the best way to fish my new boat. I have just sold my Wooldridge Pilothouse fishing machine and have moved to my new to me Camano Troll 31. I had everything dialed in on the Woodridge and need to figure out how to overcome some of the challenges I will be facing now. Some of the big issues, are small cockpit, high freeboard, and my slowest troll is about 3.2 knots. Another one is net storage.

What I have learned so far is that my old way of using the ball retriever to pull the ball up next to the boat and reach down for the clip is not feasible. But I can swing the arm back and go to the swim step to pick up the clip. Another alternative is to use a real long line between the ball and clip and pick it up with a boat hook but I have heard that a long line will interfere with landing a fish. Ideas, thoughts pros and cons?

Not real clear in these pictures is a stainless rod that goes from the boat to the dinghy so with the dinghy, I have a fence of sorts all the way around the swim step so it is not totally stupid to go out there.

I have also picked up some center weighted flat fall jigs to try, but there are times I enjoy trolling so I also picked up some 18 lb balls. My first idea is to use false flashers and some plugs but am not versed in plug choices and have really never used them. 95% of all my salmon have been oh hoochies and spoons. I don’t think that I will have any issues with Coho as they are shallower and I troll them pretty fast anyway, but ideas for set ups for Springs would be greatly appreciated.

I would love some ideas on how to manage the downriggers in this high freeboard small cockpit boat. Regarding the net, part of the pleasure my wife has is that she “catches every fish” because she likes to handle the net and has gotten good at it. On my Wooldridge I ended up adding custom net holders to the side of the cabin at an angle because she could not reach one laying on the top of the cabin and I always had a bunch of rods in the way, and when it was in the vertical holder near the cockpit, the net would get tangled in the rods in the rocket launcher and would create a mess. The custom holder was perfect for her. I don’t really think I have that option on this boat but need something easy, and I hate clutter in the cockpit. Maybe horizontal along the flybridge? Because I thought that net holder was so great, I am including a picture of it.

The first major work to set her up for fishing was the addition of the teak rails so I could mount the downriggers, and whatever else I decide on. Cleaning table, BBQ etc. I also got a different motor for the dinghy that now goes in the Laurette to free up cockpit and swim step space.

I know that the first piece of advice will be to Pod it, so now that is out of the way, bring on some ideas and photos please.


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I have heard that a long line will interfere with landing a fish.

Not necessarily it's just one more small thing you have to think of-some people like to let the clip stay in the water and others use a boat hook/gaff to drape it over the downrigger arm-either way it takes less time than it did to read this post.
You have a good set up with the rigger. Forget the net. Your cockpit is too tight. I'd use a long handled gaff. It helps release small fish and gets the bigger ones inside quickly and cleanly. It's easy to stow and very good for retrieving lead and clips, too. When I was a kid, no one had nets.
Help me figure out the best way to fish my new boat. I have just sold my Wooldridge Pilothouse fishing machine and have moved to my new to me Camano Troll 31. I had everything dialed in on the Woodridge and need to figure out how to overcome some of the challenges I will be facing now. Some of the big issues, are small cockpit, high freeboard, and my slowest troll is about 3.2 knots. Another one is net storage.

What I have learned so far is that my old way of using the ball retriever to pull the ball up next to the boat and reach down for the clip is not feasible. But I can swing the arm back and go to the swim step to pick up the clip. Another alternative is to use a real long line between the ball and clip and pick it up with a boat hook but I have heard that a long line will interfere with landing a fish. Ideas, thoughts pros and cons?

Not real clear in these pictures is a stainless rod that goes from the boat to the dinghy so with the dinghy, I have a fence of sorts all the way around the swim step so it is not totally stupid to go out there.

I have also picked up some center weighted flat fall jigs to try, but there are times I enjoy trolling so I also picked up some 18 lb balls. My first idea is to use false flashers and some plugs but am not versed in plug choices and have really never used them. 95% of all my salmon have been oh hoochies and spoons. I don’t think that I will have any issues with Coho as they are shallower and I troll them pretty fast anyway, but ideas for set ups for Springs would be greatly appreciated.

I would love some ideas on how to manage the downriggers in this high freeboard small cockpit boat. Regarding the net, part of the pleasure my wife has is that she “catches every fish” because she likes to handle the net and has gotten good at it. On my Wooldridge I ended up adding custom net holders to the side of the cabin at an angle because she could not reach one laying on the top of the cabin and I always had a bunch of rods in the way, and when it was in the vertical holder near the cockpit, the net would get tangled in the rods in the rocket launcher and would create a mess. The custom holder was perfect for her. I don’t really think I have that option on this boat but need something easy, and I hate clutter in the cockpit. Maybe horizontal along the flybridge? Because I thought that net holder was so great, I am including a picture of it.

The first major work to set her up for fishing was the addition of the teak rails so I could mount the downriggers, and whatever else I decide on. Cleaning table, BBQ etc. I also got a different motor for the dinghy that now goes in the Laurette to free up cockpit and swim step space.

I know that the first piece of advice will be to Pod it, so now that is out of the way, bring on some ideas and photos please.
A simple solution for the troll speed issue is to rig a sea anchor and throw it out when trolling. I used one on a previous boat that trolled a bit too fast and it seemed to help enough to get my troll speed down. Might be a bit clunky but it looks like you would have enough room between your swim grid and the dinghy to get a sea anchor through and into the water?
A simple solution for the troll speed issue is to rig a sea anchor and throw it out when trolling. I used one on a previous boat that trolled a bit too fast and it seemed to help enough to get my troll speed down. Might be a bit clunky but it looks like you would have enough room between your swim grid and the dinghy to get a sea anchor through and into the water?
That's one method or more money but nice - a trolling valve. Remember it's idle only, though. Shift out to run.
Simple clip retriever with a piece of bamboo and a large fish hook. Mix some JB Weld or whatever and set the hook in the cavity. Some stick tape for a little grip.


That's one method or more money but nice - a trolling valve. Remember it's idle only, though. Shift out to run.
One screw-up with a trolling valve and that gear is toast. Which is why we use 2 drouges that we custom made to slow the boat down to how we want. Yes you can put idiot lights, yes you can engineer mechanical lockouts, yes with new electronic controls that can be built right in. However just depends on how much effort and money you want to throw at it.
A simple solution for the troll speed issue is to rig a sea anchor and throw it out when trolling. I used one on a previous boat that trolled a bit too fast and it seemed to help enough to get my troll speed down. Might be a bit clunky but it looks like you would have enough room between your swim grid and the dinghy to get a sea anchor through and into the water?
Would i use a very short line or lines to keep the sea anchor from getting in the way. Any specific rigging tips? What size or what should I look for in one for fishing?
Would i use a very short line or lines to keep the sea anchor from getting in the way. Any specific rigging tips? What size or what should I look for in one for fishing?
Another possibility that we used for a slower, sockeye troll was just an old, 10 liter paint bucket with a tight bridle right behind the prop. You likely have a plastic bucket, already or you could find one for free. Then need a bit of weight to stay down and well-behaved.