Thrasher Rock

  • Thread starter Thread starter saltybeaver
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Hooked a seal? What? LOL ! You must of had a small spring/shaker on your line that you didn't notice that got munched by the seal? Was it snagged??
hooked right in the mouth no shaker .I was using large anchovies so I figure the young seal did not know any better . My buddy picked him right out of the water and it just sat there while I took the hooks out. and then we picked him back up and put him in the water it did not want to leave the boat .
Not sure if that thing would have even made it back into the water if that happened on my boat.......Not in one piece anyway.........
there was another boat beside me filming the hole thing so i had to be nice. if you seen the puppy dog eyes you would have let him go too.
Ya probably got me there. Wild stuff though. Same thing happened to me quite a few years back out off Entrance. A seal munched my macdeep. This one was no baby though and it certainly did not get close to the boat. Looked like it had a sore mouth though.
so the seal was alright?? or at least swam away haha

at least it didnt take a fish away
I heard of a guy that used to troll off winchealsea for seals, he would use unthawed Coho and a marlin rod!! I don't think he put em back though...

Was it hurt badly? looks like a bit of blood on it? Did it put up a fight on the rod?
It had some blood but was not hooked bad, barbless so they popped right out. It put up as good of a fight as any of us would with a hook in the mouth (a little at the start then just came right in). How does seal taste? Maybe if you smoke it ? haha