Thrasher Rock Lately?

im hoping to get out tomorrow i will let you guys know of anything good:)
went out on saturday fished porlier couple hours one 10# and missed a couple hits ,went over to thrasher had a nice one up to the boat mid teens and a seal grabed it and we played that for a while.
hey salty were u out there today? I was out there also at porlier. We got 3 in the mid teens this morning on the tide change. Not much bait around our way though.
fished porlier and then thrasher on saturday 21st .....nothing . found my prawn traps from the the weekend before.

nothing special ...was not worth pulling 6 traps up on one line, with no puller
I was thinking of hitting the rock on Friday if the weather is okay. What's the latest, guys? :)
pretty good saturday .we had two and two other boats we talked to had two . green white hootchie 170.
Sweet! I did find some of those green splatter hootchie so I would like to give it a try. Sounds like the fish are quite deep. The tides look interesting for Friday.
we hooked the first fish on chovie and the asked what there other people were using and told us green white hootchie through it down and had one right away
By green and white you are not refering to the splatter job? I also have just green and white.
I'm going fishing somwhere on friday I might see you out there.
How long a run is it from Vancouver to Thrasher? I have never fished it before so any advice or tips would be useful. Seems like the only place that has any saltwater action right now.[?]
It's about 27 miles from Ambleside. With a GPS it's easy to find.

Let's roll Salty! I'm there Friday morning. I guess I'll start at Thasher and if it's not happening there move to Grande.