The Wolf Is Back


Well-Known Member
Hello to you all well to start off last wed. was going well until my tranny on my truck over heated after those nasty switch backs on the way to renny every thing is ok now got the boat there thats all that mattered.
Ok fishing!!!! thurs went out for hali on the bank near the "dink" very slow got 3 for almost 4 hours of fishing lots of cod and others the hali appers to have moved off to some other parts all the guides were trying different spots to not much success chicken ranch etc.
the salmon fishing on the other hand is fantastic came back with limits every day logan, camper nitnat all producing fish heard of a 56lber caught near nitnat near hole pt.
Another big fish if you havent heard Ward who is part owner of island outfitters got a 215 lb hali out on swiftsure bank of course he wasnt giving away to much info as to where it was caught LOL LOL.
So the report was great fishing up until today we had rain up there for the last 48 hours went out this am and it was snotty big swells and lots of run off the water is all tea coloured the rivers and creeks up there are all overflowing gorden river where all the boats are on butchs place there all hauling them out, there is a shitload of logs and branches and other crap coming down the river there worried the dock will get swept away the river is running fairy fast.
I will go back up in a couple of days or next week just to much water the fish I think are on the move too im sure those nitnat fish are probably in the lake now getting ready to spawn im sure there will be enough water bad for us fishing good for the run.

Keep you posted Wolf
Glad to see you back on the Board Wolf-I always enjoy your knowledgeable input.

that's why there's a warranty!
Glad to see you back on the Board Wolf-I always enjoy your knowledgeable input.

that's why there's a warranty!
Ahh shucks wolf,here you go again patting your self on the back!

Reid's flyfishing!
Ahh shucks wolf,here you go again patting your self on the back!

Reid's flyfishing!

What's the deal?? Don't tell me old Halibut22 is back. By the way this guy is pot shooting, you would think it was him. If it's not him then it's his twin or alter-ego. Some guys just aren't happy unless they are causing trouble.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned. I look forward to your reports and advice. I just wish I was back up with you guys so I could be puttin' it to use.

Still want to hook up with you next time I come up.


What's the deal?? Don't tell me old Halibut22 is back. By the way this guy is pot shooting, you would think it was him. If it's not him then it's his twin or alter-ego. Some guys just aren't happy unless they are causing trouble.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned. I look forward to your reports and advice. I just wish I was back up with you guys so I could be puttin' it to use.

Still want to hook up with you next time I come up.

Hey reidrocks I am writing to people on this forum because they want to know what is going on out where i am guiding where is it im "patting myself on my back"????
My job is to catch people fish so they can enjoy themselves, tourism effects us all here in b.c. it even effects you do you even realise how much money sportfishing brings into our beautiful province!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a huge domino effect with tourists coming here get with it,if you dont like it just go away and crawl back under the reidrock ok im tired of people like you
Hey reidrocks I am writing to people on this forum because they want to know what is going on out where i am guiding where is it im "patting myself on my back"????
My job is to catch people fish so they can enjoy themselves, tourism effects us all here in b.c. it even effects you do you even realise how much money sportfishing brings into our beautiful province!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a huge domino effect with tourists coming here get with it,if you dont like it just go away and crawl back under the reidrock ok im tired of people like you

Great report!


Edited by - Red Herring on 08/26/2004 14:30:12

Great report!


Edited by - Red Herring on 08/26/2004 14:30:12
Hey Wolf

I made my first trek to Renny and actually saw you just slammin' salmon at Logan. At one point you had a double header as I went by so I pulled up my riggers. At the time I asked if you were using "magic bait?" <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Thanks for the great postings and your generous contributions on the water <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>, Buddy. You sure know how to catch fish!
Hey Wolf

I made my first trek to Renny and actually saw you just slammin' salmon at Logan. At one point you had a double header as I went by so I pulled up my riggers. At the time I asked if you were using "magic bait?" <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Thanks for the great postings and your generous contributions on the water <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>, Buddy. You sure know how to catch fish!
Right on wolf,let's get rid of hali22 on this site once and for all,and you'll be getiing a call soon about some fresh action!

Right on wolf,let's get rid of hali22 on this site once and for all,and you'll be getiing a call soon about some fresh action!

red monster yes i remember that and as i said on the water thanks for lifting your riggers it makes my life soooooooooo much easier when there is fish on and people move or just turn around thanks again.

Good luck Wolf
red monster yes i remember that and as i said on the water thanks for lifting your riggers it makes my life soooooooooo much easier when there is fish on and people move or just turn around thanks again.

Good luck Wolf
newbie or reidrocks or who ever you are,grab a frigin clue. probably don't know who you are yourself. if you can't provide a usefull piece of info. or question, shut your cakehole.