teaser heads


Active Member
has anybody ever tried fishing herring in anchovie teasers?

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
UUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM thats why they have herring teaser heads for herring, anchovie heads for anchovie!!!!

I see yo thought about that answer! It would be a completely different appearance, as the teaser head is like half the size.

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Well I know a little anch. head isnt big enough to spin a large herring with out some difficulty thats why the herring head has a bigger tab for that reason its all about hook placement too I use 2 trebles on my herring rigs.

I find that you can get a more natural roll a lot easier with a chovie head vs a herring head. The XL herring is a little tough, but I would rather use a chovie head for Rhys Davis mediums and larges, than an actual herring teaser.
Yes, I have fished herring in anchovy teasers and have caught many springs doing such that. I try to use smaller herring when I use them in an anchovy teaser, herring 3 1/2 inches - 4 1/2 inches long. Any longer herring are to hard to spin and the herring head becomes to big to fit in the head. Also use herring that are skinny much easier to spin. The fatter the herring is I find them harder to spin. Another thing you can do is attach a 5 inch. piece of stiff stainless wire to the anchovy head. Pock two small holes side by side a centimeter apart into the side of the anchovy head and bend the wire in around the two holes to fasten the wire to the anchovy head. Cut the end of the wire to the length of your bait you are using. Now run the wire down the spin of the herring through the gill until the head goes into the anchovy head.. the wire helps to give the bait support. Also you can bend the wire at any point to create the exact spin you want. The wire works well with herring cause I find that herring tend to go softer a little quicker than anchovy when trolling. The wire can also be used with anchovy. It takes some time getting use to running a wire down every piece of bait you tie up. Some times I use the wire, some times I don't...

This summer trolling in Sooke at Otter Point, we trolled through a large school of herring and was lucky to scoop a quarter bucket of herring all in the 4 - 4 1/2 inch size, live bait! immediately I brought up my lines and tore of the anchovy and re baited with live herring into the anchovy holder. With in a few hours we had EIGHT large springs in the boat for our limit! All on the fresh live herring using anchovy heads.... The picture hangs on my wall....
My biggest Sooke spring yet was caught 5 years ago with a 5 inch herring crammed into a anchovy teaser and fished with no flasher. I've been doing it ever since with good results. I lost one this summer that was close to 50 if not over, at Otter, 1st rock, way way out away from the crowd. Played it for 20 minutes when a guy ran straight out to us and right over it to ask what depth we hit it at. Major bummer to say the least Same setup, 5'herring, no flasher.
Pilchard and the small pacific sardines are also a good bait to use, I have found these to be quite effective out from Carmanah and towards Swiftsure, pounded them 3 years ago when they put out those small sardines(around 4 - 5 ins) as a test I suppose for alternate bait , I put them into the straight chrome anchovie teaser heads then in conjunction with a blue and chrome flasher had a whale of of time off of Carmanah and up into the start of the reefs just before Nitinat.
With the minnow sized herring to keep them really firm I have packed them in salt top and bottom overnight and found that they stayed quite firm all day, mind you they were as stiff as a board in the morning almost had to bore a hole in to them to set the hooks.
Later in the year and when there is lots of feed around I will tie on a trailer hook.

Ever notice that every fish you lose is close to 50 lbs have never heard of someone say "oh lost one but it was little"

Now what I was refering to is if your using big bait and not bait the size of and anchovie of course it will work but trying to put an 8 to 10 inch herring into an anchovie head is rather hard like a saint bernard trying to go through a cat door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf