Suggestions / help on new boat.

I viewed a 190 the other day,, I found the deck quite small for my needs. Even the Kingfisher 2025 although a little better I find a little small.
its never going to be big enough....thats what she said !!!! LOL
Quizzed Brian at the Boathouse about the twin 90 idea on the Searunner and he said they tried it and didn’t perform well at all
Thanks for the heads up Tieoneon. The more I thought about it and researched it myself I didn't like it. One reason is controls,, not a lot of room to stick dual controls on those small boats especially at the rear helm station. I’m a stickler for function and placement of things, I do have a bit of OCD (people around me say severe but that’s their problem not mine,, just do **** right and it’s no issue) so things have to be the way they have to be or it drives me nuts, I’ll lose sleep over crap like that I really will. One thing I’ve envisaged to all the dealers is if I go new I will be doing all electronics myself. Not only because I want it done right but I also want things exactly where I want it, an inch this way for that way makes it or breaks it for me. That used kingfisher 2425 has me worried I’ll have to have a close look at it before I commit.
I might get a T shirt for that one... Just Do **** Right & It’s No Issue!
After a career as an aircraft engineer, I’m amazed at the level of workmanship I’ve seen from SOME marine shops.
$100K without power !
Nice boat but a bit rich....

N0 that’s with power Scott it’s just not on for the pic. Spent an hour on the phone with the guy last night, they sent me a printed quote. Boat, trailer, 200 merc, high thrust kicker, all controls ready to roll out the door, just shy of 114. Kingfisher wants 115 for a 2225 and let’s be honest the 2225 ain’t near the boat this thing is.
It is a pricey boat though and above my budget, I have a budget and have to stay with it. In all reality that boat is too fancy for me anyways, I would be worried over every little thing on it, especially paying that kind of money. It’s just too much and that’s it.
Going to do some research into some custom builders, going to talk too Jaxon, E&D, and Wolf boats. I don’t want fancy just functional and practical.
I just got back from Moucha and I have a serious boat fetish. To make a long story short there were 2 Jaxon boats there and all I can say is wow. The first one was a 28’er and is by far the sexiest boat I’ve ever seen. The other one was a 22’er and I’m just starting to do some research on them. I’ve never heard of them it’ll this year. He did pass me one morning and from a distance he looked like a hot knife going thru butter. I also has a look at the interior on the dock with out trying to look to creepy and the layout seemed very nice as well. Good luck with your search and I’ll be keeping a close watch on this thread.
This has got to be one of the sexiest boats out there in its class. No offence to Kingfisher or Hewescraft owners but they don’t even belong in the same class as this beauty. A little high for me but I don’t know. A guy could own this boat for 10 years and still get 100 grand for it.

I think if that is in your budget you won't have any problems finding a nice and capable boat.
This has got to be one of the sexiest boats out there in its class. No offence to Kingfisher or Hewescraft owners but they don’t even belong in the same class as this beauty. A little high for me but I don’t know. A guy could own this boat for 10 years and still get 100 grand for it.

I had a buddy that had this boat. He absolutely hated the roof on his boat. There is no flat and level spot to put anything up there. He ended up making a roof rack system (costly) that did ok but not ideal. Looks like the Alexis 22 Pro just at the bottom of the add you posted has a better roof. Not on sale and don’t know all the detail differences between the two models but something to check out. Ya hate to make a mistake on a purchase like this and regret it afterwards. Something to look at on future boats as well. Maybe square and flat (Functional) is the new sexy, when it comes to boat tops anyways.

I just got back from Moucha and I have a serious boat fetish. To make a long story short there were 2 Jaxon boats there and all I can say is wow. The first one was a 28’er and is by far the sexiest boat I’ve ever seen. The other one was a 22’er and I’m just starting to do some research on them. I’ve never heard of them it’ll this year. He did pass me one morning and from a distance he looked like a hot knife going thru butter. I also has a look at the interior on the dock with out trying to look to creepy and the layout seemed very nice as well. Good luck with your search and I’ll be keeping a close watch on this thread.

yah those boats are incredible. he makes them one at a time. Merville / Black Creek area
Somewhat surprised at the kicker bracket on that thunder jet looks pretty flimsy, almost like an after thought. Definitely the Jaxon boats look awesome, built for the Westcoast by someone who lives there. Wonder how pricey they are?
I had a buddy that had this boat. He absolutely hated the roof on his boat. There is no flat and level spot to put anything up there. He ended up making a roof rack system (costly) that did ok but not ideal. Looks like the Alexis 22 Pro just at the bottom of the add you posted has a better roof. Not on sale and don’t know all the detail differences between the two models but something to check out. Ya hate to make a mistake on a purchase like this and regret it afterwards. Something to look at on future boats as well. Maybe square and flat (Functional) is the new sexy, when it comes to boat tops anyways.


Yup great point Oly1 never even thought of that but that’s a big deal for sure.
Somewhat surprised at the kicker bracket on that thunder jet looks pretty flimsy, almost like an after thought. Definitely the Jaxon boats look awesome, built for the Westcoast by someone who lives there. Wonder how pricey they are?

I’ll be finding out here shortly just in preliminary talks with them now.

Got a build price from Wolf boats and really not all that bad for the quality of boat.
Honestly boys, if one is going to spend the kind of money it takes to get into like a Thunder Jet or even a kingfisher why wouldn’t you go to a custom builder, they may not be as fancy but in the end we all know most will be twice the boat. We will see, still waiting on final numbers on that used 2425 Kingfisher.
Somewhat surprised at the kicker bracket on that thunder jet looks pretty flimsy, almost like an after thought. Definitely the Jaxon boats look awesome, built for the Westcoast by someone who lives there. Wonder how pricey they are?
There is a 27 with rwin etech used for 160k on CL, one of the guide (friend) has one at PRM and the thing is a beast, twin 300 suke on it