I would like to be that optimistic but the Gillnets are in full force down the canal, pill, swale etc. That is where the henderson fish are now I would think. I beleive in their escapement report DFO thinks enough fish are in the lakes to continue to rape and pillage..Here is the latest escapement report, and what does nature know.. DFO knows better!!
SOCKEYE FORECAST: The July 8, 2011 re-forecast total return of Somass Sockeye to the terminal fishing area is 1,400,000. The escapement goal is 513,600. The available catch for combined harvest in the terminal area is 886,400.
ESCAPEMENT: Total Somass sockeye escapement through July 6 is estimated at approximately 528,000 adults. Approximately 272,000 adults have entered Sproat Lake and approximately 256,000 have reached Great Central Lake. River conditions continue positive for sockeye migration with higher than normal flows and moderate temperatures.
BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Biological samples are collected from the test-boat and from commercial and First Nations fisheries in Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound. 800 sockeye have been sampled in the test-fishery to date.
TEST-FISHING: The test-boat began operations on June 13. The purpose of the test-fishery is to estimate abundance of sockeye in Barkley Sound and in the Alberni Inlet and to collect biological specimens for assessment of age and stock composition and parasite load. The test-fishery uses a combination of acoustic soundings and seine sets to determine the abundance of sockeye. Sockeye abundance from the July 4 and 5 test-fishery is estimated at 25-30,000 for outside areas and 30-35,000 for inner Alberni Inlet.
For updated weekly test-fishing catch information please visit the following website:
ABORIGINAL FISHING: Somass River First Nations sockeye catch to date is estimated at approximately 35,100 from a combination of two days per week gill-netting and from weekly communal drag-seine fishing at Papermill Dam.
Maa nulth First Nations have harvested an estimated 10,350 sockeye to date in 2011.
COMMERCIAL FISHING: Area D gill net vessels fished 2 p.m., July 5 to 2 p.m., July 8 this week in Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet. Gill-net catch is estimated at 71,825 to date.
Twenty seine vessels fished from noon, Sunday July 3 to noon, Tuesday July 5. Catch for this fishery was 102,966 sockeye. Catch to date for seine is 129,730 sockeye. Average weight in the most recent seine fishery was 4.36 lbs.
RECREATIONAL FISHING: The Alberni Inlet recreational fishery has caught an estimated 37,580 sockeye to July 6, including 32,341 in ocean and 5,239 in tidal-water river fisheries.
Next Week’s Fishing Plans, as Determined by the Area 23 Harvest Committee:
Aboriginal – Discussions were concluded June 30 with the signing by both First Nations of an economic opportunity agreement. Fishing plans will be developed and implemented over the next week. Plans may include a combination of river and Inlet gill-net fishing and contract seine fishing in Alberni Inlet.
Commercial - Area D gill-net will fish starting at 2 p.m. Friday July 8 to 2 p.m. Friday July 15 in the same Barkley Sound / Alberni Inlet areas as the July 5 to 8 fishery, and from 2 p.m. to 4 a.m. daily in Alberni Inlet between Bilton Point and Polly’s Point.
Area B seine opens at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, July 9 to 10:00 a.m. Friday, July 15 from Dunsmuir Point to the clock tower in Port Alberni harbour. Twenty (21) vessels are designated to participate.
Recreational – Fishing continues at 4 per day in Alberni Inlet. Tidal portions of Somass River continue at 2 per day with no night fishing.
For more information please contact the DFO office in Port Alberni at 250 720-4440 or go on-line to:
http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/recfish/Opportunities/PN/A23&123BarkleyChinookPN.pdf for the Area 23 Recreational Chinook Fishery Notice or
http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/recfish/Opportunities/PN/A23&123BarkleyCohoPN.pdf for the Area 23 Recreational Coho Fishery Notice
WCVI Salmon Bulletin
July 6, 2011 Assessment Update
Area 23 Sockeye – Barkley Sound/Alberni Inlet
In-season reforecast (July 7): 1,400,000; Escapement Target: 513,600; TAC: 886,400
Expected Stock/Age Composition: 48% Great Central, 52% Sproat Sockeye;
25%, 62%, 7% and 6% for age 42, 52, 53 and 63 adults, respectively. Moderate Henderson
sockeye return expected (e.g. 45,000)
Escapement to July 6: 528,000 (256,000 Great Central, 272,000 Sproat Lake)
Test Fishery: Inlet Estimate 30 to 35K inside; 25 to 30K outside
Catch Estimate: ~ 285,315 adults (35,100 Somass First Nation; 10,350 MNA First Nation;
71,825 Commercial Gillnet; 129,730 Commercial Seine; 37,580 Recreational; 800 Test Fishery
(biological samples).