Speeding tickets

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Has anyone else heard of the police cracking down on boaters this summer? A couple people here have had tickets in the last 2 days for speeding in the harbour. The speed limit is 5 knots, and it starts way out in the harbour. One allso got a ticket for expired flares. The tickets are $200 each. They got a little black RHIB that they come flying out of nowhere in. Puts a damper on going out to get a fish for dinner.
Many of the boating regulations have been turned over from the DFO too the RCMP.

In the past if a skipper was issued a 'ticket' it involved a mandatory court case. Now it's pay as you <s>go</s> screw up.

The key things the RC's are empowered to enforce involve safety related regulations. Some will say this is GOOD and others?????
Grown man, home owner, tax payer, 9 years boating experience, two power squadron courses. Know my boat and these local waters inside out and I need some pup RCMP to check i have all my safety equipment. Pleeeeeeeesssse!!! Go find something better to do, we don't need your babysitting.:(

Education, not legislation!!!
It's job creation...Government Style!

Now they can blow their horn about all the extra officers they're hiring so everyone can supposedly feel safer [V]
Education is available.Most just don't listen.Many think boat time is a free for all. How else are we gonna get people to listen and follow the rules? Maybe when a few get ticketed , they will tell others and more people will smarten up. Up untill now there is basically no rules on the water.All you need is beer.There are a lot of real idiots out there.A lot of people that shouldn't have control of a boat. I am glad to hear of increased checks by police. Maybe it will make it a little safer for me and my family.
Just follow the rules and you should have no problem with it.If you are breaking the rules then I can see why you would have issues. Its the same as in a car.
Victoria harbour has had a 5Kt speed limit for years. Until recently the Harbour Master seemed to be the only one to enforce it and that usually consisted of a polite warning. The rules are published for everyone to read and obey and I guess now they are enforcing them. About time if it makes the harbour safer but they have to be consistent with the enforcing and nail all/most who break the law. I can say that because I NEVER go to Victoria:DHowever, I did do a safety study on the harbour a few years ago, not directly pertaining to speed, and you wouldn't believe some of the goofy antics of some boaters, or maybe you would;)

Same thing with the flare laws, been on the books for years. Nothing more useless in time of need than a flare that wont[xx(] DAMHIKT [B)]
My $.02
It's excellent to hear some folks do take boating seriously enough to complete courses. Even though I have many years of experience, I took a number of courses, had a great time, and learnded lots of new things. But I would guess that for every guy who takes boating seriously, there are one or two who don't. [}:)]And I know guys with lots of experience who don't always use good sense. [V]Education is essential, but so is some enforcement. Instead of a fine, how about a ticket to take a boating course? [8D]
I agree with the safety part of it, but they are ticketing 16 foot boats that are planing with no wake. And to go 5 knts all the way out of the harbour takes 15 minutes. The speed limit was put in place to reduce wake from larger boats, but i think there should be an exception for smaller boats, that make no wake at higher speeds. It is a large harbour, and sea planes taking off and landing frequently. The planes dont want to wait for a little skiff to slowly get out of the way when they are trying to land in a busy harbour. It just seems stupid to me to have to go 5 knts all the way out in a small boat.