
scott craven

Well-Known Member
Any migratory springs showing off Sooke yet ?
reporta seem pretty spotty, just wonder if any
body is putting in any time yet....[?]
Two nights ago,finally calmed down,nothing. Few night before that,rough,nothing. Havent seen many boats out here. Could be same as last year, hurry up and wait.
Just a bit early yet look around the 25th on as thats when the big incoming flood tides hit then it will be all good see you out there soon.

Another week,sounds good, Im looking forward to the Coho season. This year I am going to concentrate on some bucktailing as I used to few years ago when I fished Qualicum area.
a good bite on this morning....late May's on guy had 3 fish to 22# by 9:30
went out off the head and trap shack Monday, nothing. Personally didn't see a net raised that morning. Caught a couple of greeners over the bow when the we got caught into that nice tide off the head though. That's always fun, didn't like that ghetto blaster anyways.[:I]
off the topic somewhat, but have fished every day this week
off Oak bay and only 2 fish for 7 trips, 6lb and 10lb springs
the guide boats have been working it pretty hard , no sure
how their success has been.
this is usually the peak season for Oak Bay...
not too impressive ! :(
4.0 coyote's in glo/green and blue/chrome
squirts and hootchies in purple haze , and glo/green

maybe it's time to bring out the bait ?[?]
Seen lots of longweekenders,boats,campers arriving in Sooke. Problem is the winds are up,probably for the whole stretch, keeping me off the water too. Check your weather or its a wasted trip
yes, it was around 20 knots in Beecher Bay too Saturday morning, not too nice. no fish, didn't see any get caught. We thought that since it was ebbing current we would try the 'lee side' of the Bentnick Islands? (just sort of at the mouth of Beecher Bay). maybe less current? salmon would like it better? any ideas?
if you read the times colonist, dc reid says
put down the hallie gear and start chasing the
big springs which arrive this weekend.
how would he know that ;)
Just look at his web site the guy is GOD and for the mere price its well worth it to go out with him!!!!!!!

I dont think so!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you know he talks to the fish. :D Some call him AC, others DC ...not that there's anything wrong with that.[:p]