Sooke...wazzup now?

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Just took a peek at the Outfitters new report for sept 20th and it seems fishing's pretty good.

Anyone been out lately?? Comments?

I'm heading out tomorrow...

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
Nobody??? Anyone at all...?

I'll report back after the trip... although it would be nice to hear how everyone has done over the last week or so...a few tips would be nice too, not too much to ask is it??

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
Sorry there man i havent been out for about a week and a half but when i did go we limited out on springs down very deep 90 to 130 so good luck wolf
Was out this morn. Coho are starting to show in #'s - hooked 10 out off Beecher and 5 were hatch. Largest was at least 12 lbs. but it was a wildy.

Had a deep line for springs we've been hearing about but no takers. A few "slugs" (mid 30's to 40's) have been caught deep in the first and second tidelines down around a 100 feet in the past few days.

The hoes are a bit scattered though so keep moving. Spoons, hootchies and bait all worked.
Thanks the sluggies are out farther & deeper eh?

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
went out yesteday. The guy at Cheannuh marina who worked there said 'just some small ones today' and only one spring that was dark.

We had a few hits and one hatchery coho about 10 lbs. two others let go, no springs. the bite was around 11 am. Trolled for 6 hours.

We thought 75 feet was the best depth. Tried the deeper 100 + idea under the tide lines no luck....

I was out yesterday but we got out late...around 3:30 and stayed till seven... we had a good bite around 5pm...couple of smaller hatch 7 & 9 lbs...lots and lots of shakers, must've pulled up 15 of the buggers....soon as you had a line down one was on. The bigger hatch we got on a blue & chrome 4 inch coyote 6 ft leader and gold betsy at 40 ft, the other on a red teaser 42 inch read chrome & red flasher at 32 ft. No springs...we had lines down to 70, 80, 100, 120...nothing...

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
well went out today for some coho action was off of secretary did fantastic biggest was a 17 lb hatchery lots in the 6 to 12 lb range just had to weed through the wilds but lots of fun on light tackle
Beautiful day, afternoon, Tuesday off of Sooke. No Springs, released small hatcheries, released 5 heavy wilds, 2 bleeders, floated away and I take care. Whats a guy to do? 2 Coho- 1 wild, 1hatchery or just 2 hatchery. When will they give us a break. My license costs as much as the guy fishing Renfrew. Logic, yeah!

B Gibb
Going out in the morning...Secretary probably! Anyone else going out??

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
We're heading out to Sunny Shores tomorrow morning with two boats (ours and the in-law's) and will be staying overnight so we can fish both days. Sounds like we'll just head straight out from Secretary and work the tidelines tomorrow afternoon. Getting the light gear ready right now!

Nice! I've got my medium-light-action Shimano Convergence at the ready...

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
We had the same troubles fishing out of Neah Bay this summer. We finally did away with the bait and fished primarily Coho Killer spoons. Additionaly we went up to 40 pound leaders so we could just pick the fish up to see if it was finned or not. Lots less stress than putting them in the net. Also did quite well on an Army truck hootchie with 5 or 6 8mm glow beads with a 6/0 Siwash. Got a few in the brain, but most in the nose. Pretty easy to release with the heavy leader and barbless hook.

The last time out at Sekiu, the hot bait was four faceted 8mm beads, alternating black / red or black / green above a single 3/0 siwash. Yep, just beads.

It's good to have friends.
It's better to have friends with boats.
quote:The last time out at Sekiu, the hot bait was four faceted 8mm beads, alternating black / red or black / green above a single 3/0 siwash. Yep, just beads.

Sekiu? Where's that? Are you saying you were trolling with beads for bait?

Hi guys was out today and man was it ever nice weather and fishing got our limit of coho off of secretary lots of big wild ones also im out all this week keep you all informed as to whats going on chat to you later.
Good luck Wolf
big wilds, 17lb largest, kept 1 7lb hatch. Bite stopped, that was it.
Any indication when wild retention occurs in Sooke?

B Gibb
Definitely a great day to be on the chuck.

Had to work at it but hooked 10 hoes during the morning flood. Smallest...8 inches (**** load of shakers) and largest about 100lbs?!!!...

We got into a "school" of Dolls Porpoises which played around the boat for a couple of minutes when suddenly the starboard rod grenaded out of the downrigger. Screamed line like a 50lb. spring then one of the porpoises surfaced 50 yards behind the boat towing a flasher...SNAP, that was the end of that!

First time I've seen or heard of a porpoise hooking up on gear like that.
Youll never see a wild fishery here in sooke they do in renny because the run up there is in good shape. Here in sooke they just dont have the numbers unfortunatly, the rivers up there gordon,harris,saun juan and all the side creeks hold a lot of coho thats why they can do that up there, 1 river here 10 or more up there.
We fished the second and third tidelines from Secretary to past the Bedfords Saturday from noon till 6:30 and today from 8 to 4. Yesterday we caught about a dozen 5-15 pound cohos, but only two were clipped. Today we only caught 2 wild ones and didn't see many others being caught. My in-laws fished the same hours and locations in their boat and only had 1 chum to show for their efforts. Why does the fishing always sound so hot until we get there?

We've never really put much effort into fishing our home waters around Sidney, and that's probably why we've never caught too many fish there. I decided today that if we put as much time and effort into the Sidney area as we do when we're in Sooke and Renfrew, we'll probably come out about even in pounds of fish per hour spent flogging the water, without the extra expense, wear and tear on the truck and trailer (and driver!).
