Sooke Reports - Spring and Summer 2012

Sweet picture RD..
Lots of people just casting out of there boats. I trolled out the back with a 2 oz slip weight a little batrix strip and a coho killer copcar with no luck funnily enough but they wernt in the water very long because its was the first line to come in when a fish hit on the dr which was pretty often. Mabey should have left off the slip weight? Thought it might hold it down just under the surface for better action as I couldnt figure out how to tie anything onto the loop thats on the end my fly line. lol man theres alot to know about fishing!

Looks pretty happy kid rockdog, goodtimes. Most people dream about being on a boat like that in a place like this with fishing like this, tell your wife to get out there! Mabey hearing how great it was she'll go. Tho I do some people here have a no girl policy on there boat lmao it mabey should be no significant other. oh the other trick is if you want to come back out let them reel in most of the fish lol
Great pic Rockdog!

That's one for the 'Why we fish!' thread...
Went out yesterday and took my buddy and his 14 year old daughter and I put a spoon with no weight on my bait casting rod so she wouldn't have to deal with a knuckle buster and potentially drop it overboard. In between the ipod and texting she got the first 2 fish in the boat and it was hard to tell but I'm pretty sure she had fun.
I've been using the kitchen sink spoon on and off the down rigger and a cotton candy Super Tackle hootchie that has been outfishing everything else almost 2 to 1. After we got our limit we went out about a mile and tied on a coulpe of jigs and did some casting, which was the most fun because when you got your jig close to the boat and jigged it up and down you can see a half a dozen coho rushing the buzz bomb and quickly turning off.
I'm taking another new fisherman out on friday and I'm gonna take out my fly rod and troll with that. The only problem is I'm running out of room on the boat with moocing rods, casting rods and bait casters.

Get a kid or a rookie out there now and they'll be "hooked" for life.
Are you running mono on the fly reel? clipping to the rigger or just bucktailing?

Nope ive got fly line. Just tied some of my own needle fish style bucktails and drag them about 6-10 ft behind where the white water of the kicker fizzles out. Watch the prop was close, you will see them swimming behind it. go grab the rod and just start stripping fast like 4-5 arms lengths. then pause. when the fish turns to one side or the other. set the hook. hold on and try not to scream like a girl. (Thats what I did for pretty much all of mine) One of my fishing highlights of my life.

Kinda dissapointed I lent my camera to a buddy at the mariners games for 4 days. FML

Thanks guys, i'm glad you enjoyed the pic. He's already called me at work this morning, asking when the next fishing trip is! lol. We are gonna go out again on saturday. I'm taking my buddy and his kid also. Both kids are 6, so this should be a blast!
BWD predicted 15 knot winds for tuesday night and it was as calm as granny on sleeping pills out there, so check the updated forecasts as the predictions aren't always correct. It's just like believing the weather man all the time, don't do it.;)
"I'm surprised I am hearing nothing on the board here about all the springs that have been caught in the last 4-5 days"
or the extra large Halibut ;)

P.S the R.C.M.P were out yesterday doing a satey check!.. make sure you have all your ducks in a row...
We fished Otter this morning with mixed success. Not so many coho as in the past week or more, but did limit out on hatchery coho and got a couple of nice springs in the teens.
Miserable slop, foggy and with west winds near 15, as predicted, made for tough fishing.
I do agree with Dragginbait, can't always go by the forcast, but it was bang on today.
Our buddy did just as well as us off Secretary and missed bucking the weather all the way up to Otter.
"I'm surprised I am hearing nothing on the board here about all the springs that have been caught in the last 4-5 days"
or the extra large Halibut ;)

P.S the R.C.M.P were out yesterday doing a satey check!.. make sure you have all your ducks in a row...

Yup, my fishin' buddy was out the other day at Pedder Bay. RCMP boat came onto him and checked to ensure he has his safety equipment and powerboat operator license on his boat.
SS, lets hear about the Springs?? I'm over Aug long weekend 5 days with mis amigos Espanoles. We had a good session last August long weekend with half dozen big springs over 3 days.
Went out with my wife and daughter today. COHO, COHO, COHO everywhere around Secretary!! It was the most amazing and incredible coho day we have ever experienced. We started fishing at 7:45 and were limited out on hatchery fish up to 7lbs by 11:15am. The first three fish were all hatchery and my daughter got all three in the first 10 minutes we were out there. Of course she was stoked by this start to the session! We used spoons including my old Krippled K that was so good on Tuesday and it was the best lure today too. I used a coho killer (made by Goldstar) but it got so many hits and suffered so much stress on leaping, twisting, turning fish that the lure snapped clean in two on a decent fish part way through the session. No matter, on went an old Tom Mac silver spoon and the action continued. In all we had over 50 hits in the 3 hours with 36 brought to the boat, often as double headers.
It was very lumpy and foggy to start but calmed down by 10 am. At the cleaning station all the fish were empty, unlike on Tuesday when they were stuffed with needle fish. With the needle fish gone, perhaps this bonanza will come to an end soon?
Sounds like the needlefish have all been eaten? Dang sure hope they stick around for a couple more weeks I have not gotten out for them yet. Hopefully this weekend.
It can be 15knots and Ok if the current is the direction of wind....It will be lumpy if they oppose each other. I find WNW sucks especially on ebb... During full and noon moons look out. A little brush of wind in opposite current direction can get ugly.....I have been using Murrays tables for current prediction with along the BWD forecast. I find it works better than relying on BWD alone.....Just a suggestion.

In the end it is Sooke wind and fog just go with the territory....

yup the direction and speed of the current plays just as much a part as the speed of the wind. A big flood with 20knt west wind can be nice and fishable, once it switches to Ebb watch out.