Sooke Reports - Spring and Summer 2012

Tough go for us this morning.... Saw one 10ish spring caught at O'brien around 1. We also missed the coho show there that sammy lucked out on 'cause we headed over to Possession (saw ya plugging away Gypseas). Went back to O'brien after talking to sammy and lost a hatch job at the boat and released another wild mini ho.
Bait 40-100. 5 till 2

I think I'll probably owe ya another .25 Wolfie... How did you make out?

I'll give it to FFG to give to ya :D

Im going to wash my gear..... think the dog may have pissed on it ;)
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Then another fishing guy in a big boat had some problems so he need a tow into sooke, so I gave him a hand.

Wasn't me but thanks.
right from beechy head i have noticed a ton of guys buzzing right thru everybody at full speed towards the trap shack or even further,,i don't like it but it is the way it is,,and try fishing the waterfront on a busy traffic day,,,all day long you have to deal with the wakes from ships,,i applaud those fishermen that i see heading out a bit further as not to disturbe the trolling fisherman,,i have been only fishing for the past 3 years and from my experience there are a ton of idiots out there that think they own the water,,oh well what to do
Couch surfin for this year. The (as wolf says) Fiberduck will out next season. And will do if I can catch ya :p
Is this the fishing reports Thread?
Sure is! I'll give it a try - here's my synopsis coho to the right/left of me! glad to be stuck in the middle again...
Just like the old days - put something green/white on, try not to fall into a false sense of security,the next hit could be a nice spring ;)
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Slow grind today trolling from Becher Bay to Obrien and back , put in 9 hours and finaly got 1 decent 18lb Spring off Frazer Islald just as we were headed in at 3pm. Had one break off first thing then all day nothing would stick. I'm guessing small cohos chewing up all the bait. One guy at the dock said he went thru 30 wilds to find 1 hatchery.
Few large springs, closed then decision reversed... open again still no large springs...good showing of Coho (actual real proof that numbers are healthy and could support a fishery) this year but no way to reverse an October 1st retention of any wilds. Things are so fu*&ed up.
We should remember that many if not most of the Coho that people refer to as “wild” at this time of year are actually just unclipped Hatchery Coho and as I understand it virtually no Canadian Hatchery Chinook are clipped although we produce only a small percentage of what the US Hatcheries produce.
Few large springs, closed then decision reversed... open again still no large springs...good showing of Coho (actual real proof that numbers are healthy and could support a fishery) this year but no way to reverse an October 1st retention of any wilds. Things are so fu*&ed up.
I wonder if DFO wakes up in a cold sweat,screaming could've,should've :confused:
With all these coho/springs they should change their mindset.
Hatchery or wild the Coho numbers this summer look very good. This is the summer to open it up to 2 of any and let people catch their 2 and stop fishing for them. Handling 20 or 30 Coho when they are at this stage of development to find 1 or 2 hatcheries is not wise. DFO where are you? Do the right thing open it will reduce Coho mortalities and also take some pressure of the springs.
X2. I'm sure releasing will take its toll. I can't remember this many so early.

Planned to hit Sooke for the early bite this am. Wind supposed to come up this afternoon. I think an ebb tide and winds around 45 right now, I will pick up another bite!
Hatchery or wild the Coho numbers this summer look very good. This is the summer to open it up to 2 of any and let people catch their 2 and stop fishing for them. Handling 20 or 30 Coho when they are at this stage of development to find 1 or 2 hatcheries is not wise. DFO where are you? Do the right thing open it will reduce Coho mortalities and also take some pressure of the springs.

X3. Get in, tub out, get out and explore a different area and depth for smilies.
Yes lippy we got a spring wasnt big so yep you owe me

As for passing to close to all the boats this is becoming a joke be it possesion, head, trap, and ESPECIALLY otter I had a guy come id say within less that 40 ft from me yesterday and you think thats ok to roar through the fihsing grounds . is it just as good if you are out in 150 ft of water to pass you very close to????this same subject was brought up a few years ago and created a hornest nest. and we all know what im talking about. I say DONT do it its ignorant and unecessary ii pisses people off so why do it???KNOWING it does . FOR me I personally hate ..
Im going to start a new thread get back to the reports....

Hatchery or wild the Coho numbers this summer look very good. This is the summer to open it up to 2 of any and let people catch their 2 and stop fishing for them. Handling 20 or 30 Coho when they are at this stage of development to find 1 or 2 hatcheries is not wise. DFO where are you? Do the right thing open it will reduce Coho mortalities and also take some pressure of the springs.
dfo wont do anything rollie..I wrote them before about this and they expressed concern with the numbers i was presenting for sift just to find hatchery, but they swore survival rate was 90% and well, their numbers dont
I have been getting only a few Coho but I've been purposely staying away from them by hugging the shore at Sheringham. The few times I swung out a bit they were all over my gear.
Has the wind been unusually high lately or is my imagination or is it just that I want to get out too badly?
Has the wind been unusually high lately or is my imagination or is it just that I want to get out too badly?

I was wondering the same thing, this is my first year fishing sooke, and it seems like its high winds 5 days out the this the norm?
I was wondering the same thing, this is my first year fishing sooke, and it seems like its high winds 5 days out the this the norm?

well june had a lot of unsettled weather so you got a lot of wind. But ya, welcome to fishing JDF straight.
I find if it's a nice day there is usually wind. Find A rainy/dreary day and you will probably have no wind... Unless its a storm.