Sooke coho clipping 2013....May 25-26 - volunteers needed


Well-Known Member
Its that time again for clipping and the more that help, the more that gets clipped (just confirming numbers they can accept but the more the better is what his first note says).

Sorry its not tons of notice - I assumed it would be early to mid June like it always was, but today is first I heard about it.
Give me your preferred day (or both, or one or the other) and I will set the schedule as always as per the need. They are 8:30 starts and 1/2 days can usually be worked as well (lunch included).
Is it a family friendly event? My son would love to be a part of this.
definitely family friendly, but realistically probably 7 or older to be helpful as there is a bit of a finesse to it!

edit - looks like lots of room this year, so if you are able, please sign up!
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That is too bad as we will be in Victoria this weekend but not likely both. We have enjoyed this event for the last three years and my daughter Chelsea has a spot on NICE FISH JR episode #6.Great event and good luck to all. Say hello to Mel and the gang.
Okay great. Put myself, and my boy down. Saturday morning, till 2 or so. He has hockey that night at 5.
Will be there as usual and will probably bring one or two others.

Always like to have a look at the few Albinos in the Chinook tanks. Have had fantasies of catching a Tyee Albino Chinook off Sooke. That would be one for the Taxidermist, but I know that a white one would have little chance surviving the predators to adulthood.
bump...hopefully we can get several more takers as the allowance is up to another 20-30 from our end per day. Thats alot of clipping that would actually make a difference out there. i'm gone over the weekend, but please just keep posting interest and I will tally it up on Monday
Come on guys; time to put in a little effort.

All summer long you will be throwing back unclipped Coho. Many, in fact I think most of those unclipped Coho you will be throwing back are unclipped hatchery Coho. We are being allowed to clip more of them so that means you will be able to keep more - if there is sufficient volunteers.

We just need to get off our butts and put in a day or even two. It is actually fun, very educational and character building for older children/teens and there is a good free hotdog and hamburger barbecue for lunch.

Every time you catch a clipped Coho you will wonder if it is one you clipped.
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Ask everyone you know who takes kids out for non-stop coho action to get them into fishing.
bump for a good cause

Ill post up on some other fishing forums if youd like?

Can I switch to Saturday? I knew there was something on..
hi there, just checking in - yes, certainly feel free to post on other forums and either provide the links here or just update me as new interests come - no problem switching days....I will do up a tally maybe tomorrow and see how we are for breakdown, but we are way below max currently anyway, so day of preference is still currently non-issue