Snacks on a boat worst and best

A pack or 2 of moose pepperoni…. Nothing like remembering and enjoying last Fall’s hunting success while trying to build yet more memories out fishing. Then next Fall when you’re out hunting, you can chew on some smoked salmon that you caught on today’s fishing trip. Repeat as necessary……
A pack of Lou’s roast beef, sub buns and and a thermos full of beef in a mug.
Anytime I have a mug of beef consommé, it reminds me of fishing with my grandparents. My Grandmother would bring steaming mugs out to me and my Grandfather on the back deck as we mooched at anchor. Usually around 9am or so. Brings a tear to my eye thinking about it, now. Great memories.
I find the best snacks are whatever keeps the kids happy. It’s amazing how much my son eats while fishing. It’s his job to pack the snacks and he seems partial to fish crackers and marshmallows. I’m happy with whatever keeps him happy and keeps me out on the water longer.