Skippers needed for Sooke..get paid to fish!


Well-Known Member
We are running a derby out of Peddar Bay on August 18th (Consultants Fishing Derby) and have more rods than we have boats at the moment. As we are a couple boats short currently, wondering if anyone out there wants to take some guys on and get everything paid for. We will pay up to $100/boat to cover expenses (launch, bait, lost gear incidentals, gas). You would be more than welcome to participate in the derby - for $20, you would be eligible for all prizes and the buffet after at Peddar. Otherwise, there is a top skipper prize if you just want to 'guide'! You would be expected to provide the equipment.

Details can be found here: (still being built) derby.htm

The fishing will mostly be from Church to Secretary (to try to keep more social feel to it) and weigh in is at 3pm (head out any time you want). If you are willing, tell me how many you could take, if you would like a ticket, and what size boat. You can reply here, or email to

I'm just the messenger for the organizer :D

We aren't expecting to get professional guides out here, we are just looking for guys that might have wanted to go out and didn't have anyone to go with or like to go out just because they love to fish, and this way, they can get everything paid for. You don't have to launch out of Peddar (translation Cheanuh) also don't have to drag yourself from Sidney either. Cheanuh is $8 launch, gas from Langford and back with a 15 mpg truck is $7, bait is $6/pack, and $50/gas is plenty to get from Cheanuh to the head/secretary and troll around (even from Peddar).

This is no Juan de Fuca derby where we want to hire the best in town to land us the winner - this is a smaller, fun social one amongst engineering firms and City members, and all I'm doing is asking if anyones willing to go out and wants to get their expenses paid for. Doesn't seem that unreasonable to me. This is a charity event, and the more money left over, the more that goes to the Sooke Salmon Enhancement...I think you jumped the gun a little much ME....tipping obviously at the discretion of who is in your boat, especially if they don't know what they are doing and you end up doing ALL the work!
I did it last year - lots of fun. Good prizes.
I'm not taking the $ - It's my way of donating to the Salmon Enhancement Society. It's a good thing for everyone.
Revised post:

We all have our bad days, yesterday was one of them for me!:( If I could do it I would I am sure it would be a blast as it's for salmon enhancement. Plus mabye a once a year trip or a first trip for some salmon fishing. I erased my posts out of respect.

Cheers ME